Memo to Members

HUD Announces National Housing Trust Fund 2019 Allocations

May 20, 2019

HUD formally published the 2019 national Housing Trust Fund allocations for the states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. territories on May 17. As previously reported, $248 million is available (see Memo, 2/19), an 8% decrease from the $267 million available in 2018, but significantly greater than 2017’s $219 million and 2016’s $174 million.

NLIHC has gathered information from states about how they are using their inaugural 2016 HTF allocations. The states report that 1,918 homes are being made available for extremely low-income households (those with incomes less than the poverty level or 30% of the area median income) from the $174 million allocated in 2016. Special needs populations are being served by most of the HTF-assisted projects: 45 projects for homeless people, 47 projects for people with disabilities, and 35 projects for elderly people. Twelve projects will serve veterans.

In September, NLIHC released Getting Started, an interim report based on full reporting to NLIHC from 36 states and partial reporting from five states. In March, NLIHC prepared a supplement to Getting Started that reflects full reporting from all states. NLIHC continues to gather project-specific information from states regarding their 2017 awards.

More information about the HTF is at: and on page 3-1 of NLIHC’s 2019 Advocates’ Guide.

The Federal Register notice is at: