Invite Your Members of Congress to Your Housing Week of Action Event!

Now is the time to invite your members of Congress to attend your Our Homes, Our Voices National Housing Week of Action (May 30-June 5) event! Members of Congress will be in their home districts May 30 to June 2.  Involve them in Week of Action to heighten their understanding about the importance of safe, affordable, and accessible homes. You could ask them to speak at your event, tour a residential affordable housing property, and/or engage them in discussions with residents and service providers.

In 2018 more than 100 members of Congress and other elected officials participated in the Our Homes, Our Voices Week of Action, attending events and/or participating via social media. Watch a recap of last year’s Week of Action with many examples of lawmakers’ participation at:

To get your event on congressional members’ calendars, we recommend you call, email, and mail an invitation to their local offices closest to your event as soon as possible! Download an invitation template here, and you can find your members of Congress here. Download a template congressional letter that you can use during the week to encourage members to lift up the topic of affordable housing here. If you would like the direct email address of schedulers in a given congressional office, we can provide that for you. Just email us at: [email protected]

Some examples of members of Congress participating in last year’s Week of Action events:

WoA Sen Ree and RI

Senator Jack Reed (RI) (left) at Rhode Island Week of Action Event with NLIHC CEO Diane Yentel (center) and others.

Sen Leahy and Vermont

Senator Pat Leahy (VT) addresses crowd at Vermont Week of Action event. 

Rep. Clarke and Metro Housing

NLIHC CEO Diane Yentel, Representative Katherine Clarke (MA), and Metro Housing Boston Executive Director Chris Norris

Please let us know about the event and/or activities you are planning for Week of Action by registering them at www.ourhomes-ourvoices/current-events or by emailing [email protected].

Tools and resources for Week of Action events are being uploaded to the Week of Action Resources page on an ongoing basis, including (new last week):

  1. Selfie Frame for those of you who might doing Tweetstorm events with residents or advocates. Instructions on how to order a selfie frame are available on the website.
  2. Facebook and Twitter header images for you to download to your profiles to help promote Week of Action and your event.

Thank you for your leadership as we prepare for another successful Our Homes, Our Voices National Housing Week of Action!