Join Monday’s (7/1) “Tenant Talk Live” on Dispelling the Scarcity and Immigrant Crisis Myths

Join NLIHC’s “Tenant Talk Live,” a meeting geared toward tenant and resident leaders, on Monday, July 1, at 6 pm ET (5 pm CT, 4 pm MT, and 3 pm PT). This month’s “Tenant Talk Live” will examine the housing issues faced by members of immigrant communities – including limited access to affordable and stable accommodations – which are exacerbated by systemic barriers like discrimination. In particular, the meeting will focus on how the myth of a housing scarcity due to immigrants perpetuates fear and division and ignores the fact that housing shortages often result from broader economic and social policies. By faulting migrants for these problems, elected officials divert attention from the need for comprehensive housing policies and equitable solutions that benefit everyone. Dispelling this myth is crucial for creating a more inclusive and just housing landscape, where everyone, regardless of their immigration status, has access to safe and affordable housing.

Register for the Webinar

“Tenant Talk Live” meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 6 pm ET. If you are unable to attend Monday’s meeting you can view upcoming or past Tenant Talk Live recordings on our working group webpage. To stay up to date on “Tenant Talk Live” events and connect with other attendees, join the Tenant Talk Facebook group.

Meetings like “Tenant Talk Live” also depend on the support of our members. Become an NLIHC member here!