Join NLIHC at March 26 Reception Honoring Housing Leaders Jennifer Ho, Bill Faith, and Shauna Sorrells!

Register to attend NLIHC's 38th Annual Housing Leadership Awards Reception to celebrate the 2020 Housing Leadership Award Honorees Jennifer Leimaile Ho, Bill Faith and Shauna Sorrells. The reception will take at 6:00 pm ET on March 26, 2020 at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, DC. You may also make a contribution in their honor here.

the group

The Sheila Crowley Housing Justice Award is named after former NLIHC President and CEO Sheila Crowley, who led NLIHC for more than 17 years. Jennifer Ho, commissioner of Minnesota Housing and former senior advisor at HUD and deputy director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), will receive the Crowley Award for her outstanding work to end homelessness and housing poverty in the U.S. since 1999 at Hearth Connection, USICH, HUD, Minnesota Housing, and beyond. 

jenn ho

Jennifer Ho

The Dolbeare Lifetime Service Award, named for NLIHC’s founder Cushing Niles Dolbeare, a pioneer of the modern affordable housing movement, will be bestowed to Bill Faith for his many years of leadership, dedication and tireless work to secure decent, safe, and affordable homes for the lowest-income people in Ohio and across the U.S.  Bill is the executive director of the Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio and former NLIHC board chair.   

bill faith

Bill Faith

The third award is named for Senator Edward Brooke (R-MA), who championed low-income housing as a U.S. senator and later as chair of the NLIHC board of directors. Shauna Sorrells will receive the 2020 Edward W. Brooke Housing Leadership Award posthumously for her unwavering commitment to ending homelessness and housing poverty in the U.S. over many years at HUD, at the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County, and on the NLIHC Board of Directors. 


Shawna Sorrells

Recognize these outstanding individuals by making a donation to NLIHC in their honor! 

Donate as an individual at:

Donate as an organization at:

Your donation will be recognized in the Leadership Awards Reception program. The contribution will support NLIHC’s mission to achieve socially just public policy to ensure the lowest-income people have decent, affordable homes. 

The 2020 Leadership Awards Reception will be held on the second evening of NLIHC’s 2020 Housing Policy Forum: Ending Homelessness & Housing Poverty taking place March 25-27, 2020. Register for the Forum at: and/or Leadership Awards Reception at: