Memo to Members

June ERA Data Show 84% of ERA1 Expended on Assistance and Administration

Aug 15, 2022

The U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) has released emergency rental assistance (ERA) spending data through June 2022. ERA grantees spent nearly $538 million of ERA1 and $997 million of ERA2, for a total of $1.53 billion of ERA disbursed to households in June alone. Since January 2021, nearly $21 billion of ERA1 has been spent on financial assistance to households, housing stability services, and administrative expenses. This represents nearly 84% of the $25 billion available under ERA1. Most grantees are statutorily required to obligate all ERA1 funds by September 2022. Grantees that received reallocated ERA1 funds have until December 2022 to obligate all ERA1 funds. Overall, $31.8 billion of ERA1 and ERA2 have been spent on assistance to households, administrative expenses, and housing stability services. The ERA program has made over 6.3 million payments to households since January 2021. 

After aggregating the spending of all grantees within each state, spending data through June reveal continued variability in spending rates across states. Six states and the District of Columbia have disbursed over 80% of total ERA funds allocated on assistance to households. California’s state and local grantees have spent 86% of their ERA funds – the highest proportion of ERA spent among states. Conversely, seven states have spent less than 30% of their total ERA allocations. Several of these states do not have any local grantees which, on average, disburse assistance more quickly than state grantees.

ERA1 Trends: State grantees have spent over $13.3 billion in ERA1 funds, or 80% of $16.6 billion of revised state allocations, and local grantees have spent nearly $5.3 billion, or 77% of $6.8 billion of revised allocations. By the end of June, 24 state grantees and the District of Columbia had expended 75% or more of their revised ERA1 allocations on assistance to households. California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia had spent 90% or more of their revised ERA1 allocations. Because grantees are allowed to spend 10% of their allocations on administrative expenses, it is likely that these grantees have exhausted their entire ERA1 allocations. Conversely, eight state grantees had expended less than 50% of their revised ERA1 allocations by the end of May 2022, despite having reallocated a portion of their initial ERA1 funds in late 2021. Treasury has not yet released detailed data on reallocations made based on unobligated ERA1 funds. This final round of reallocation is expected to be based on obligations through the end of March 2022.

ERA2 Trends: State grantees had spent nearly $7.8 billion of ERA2 funds by the end of June, approximately 49% of the $15.9 billion allocated to states. Similarly, local grantees have spent approximately 49% of their allocation, or $2.6 billion of the $5.3 billion allocated to localities. Fourteen state grantees and the District of Columbia had spent over 50% of their ERA2 allocations by the end of June. Two state grantees – Idaho and Ohio – have yet to spend any of their ERA2 funds. Two other state grantees – Arkansas and Nebraska – have not accepted ERA2 funds.  

The June Monthly Compliance Report is the last monthly spending report grantees are required to submit. Grantees are still required to submit spending data quarterly. NLIHC continues to track ERA spending on the ERA Dashboard and Spending Tracker. Our tracking integrates Treasury data with real-time data from program dashboards and program administrators to provide a closer estimate of how much ERA funding has been obligated to date.