Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Dashboard

The December 2020 COVID-19 relief package included $25 billion (ERA1) in urgently needed emergency rental assistance for tenants with low incomes and established the Emergency Rental Assistance program under the administration of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The “American Rescue Plan Act” enacted in March 2021, provided an additional $21.55 billion (ERA2) for a grand total of $46.55 billion in emergency rental assistance and housing stability services.

The Treasury ERA program included an unprecedented amount of funding for emergency rental assistance to help renters stay stably housed. Treasury guidance strongly encouraged flexible program design so that grantees could extend this emergency assistance to vulnerable populations without imposing undue documentation burdens. ERA1 funding ended in December of 2022 and many programs have exhausted, or are close to exhausting their ERA2 funds and therefore have closed their application portal. This dashboard shares information about programs’ key design and implementation features that helped programs serve the lowest-income and most marginalized renters in need of housing assistance. These key design and implementation features represented in the dashboard were in effect as of February 2022. As programs exhaust their funds, some programs’ features may have changed.  The dashboard also reports on spending progress for the $46.55 billion available for emergency rental assistance and housing stability services.

A more extensive database of emergency rental assistance programs can be found here. NLIHC’s ERA Resource Hub provides examples from the field to help programs implement practices for an equitable distribution of assistance. Please note that NLIHC does not provide direct assistance.

Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Dashboard

0 Treasury ERA programs in database

0 Programs using fact-specific proxy or categorical eligibility?

0 Programs allowing at least one form of self-attestation?

0 Programs allowing direct-to-tenant assistance?

0 Programs covering other housing expenses?

ERA Funds Approved or Paid to Households

ERA1: $0 of $25.00 billion


ERA2: $0 of $21.55 billion

State / Territory Program Program Status Allowable Areas of Self-Attestation Direct to Tenant Programs using fact-specific proxy or categorical eligibility Other Housing Expenses Covered Communities Served