Memo to Members

Keep the Pressure On: Join the #HoUSingIsInfrastructure Tweetstorm on September 22 at 1:00 pm ET

Sep 20, 2021

House and Senate leaders are negotiating with moderate Democrats over the size of the “Build Back Better Act,” a $3.5 trillion comprehensive infrastructure and economic recovery package. Join NLIHC and other advocates on September 22 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm ET for a #HoUSingIsInfrastructure tweetstorm. Tell Congress that any cuts to the Build Back Better Act must not come at the expense of proven housing solutions for those with the greatest needs. Congress must provide at least $90 billion for rental assistance, $80 billion for public housing, and $37 billion for the national Housing Trust Fund in the legislation.

It is critical that Congress use this once-in-a-generation opportunity to prioritize investing in decent, accessible, affordable housing for those with the greatest needs – people experiencing homelessness and people with the lowest incomes. If done right, housing investments in this bill could effectively end homelessness in the U.S.

Below are sample tweets:

  • People w/ the lowest income deserve the opportunity to climb the income ladder and achieve financial stability. $$ for rental assistance, public housing, & the Housing Trust Fund will reduce poverty and keep low-income renters #HoUSed.
  • Congress: Use this once-in-a-generation opportunity to prioritize investing the highest level of funding in decent, accessible, affordable housing for those experiencing homelessness & people w/ the lowest incomes. #Housing4UsAll
  • The $327B housing investments in the Build Better Back Act are critical to communities for ensuring that renters with the lowest incomes have an affordable place to call home. #hoUSingIsInfrastructure
  • #DYK renters in the U.S. need an income of $24.90 an hour to afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment - far above the incomes of many working families, seniors, & people w/ disabilities. We need #Housing4UsAll
  • Securing $327B for affordable housing in the Build Back Better Act will ensure the lowest-income people are #HoUSed through the expansion & preservation of the supply of rental homes across the U.S.
  • The $327B proposed for affordable housing in the Build Back Better Act is monumental! Congress must pass this bill w/ the maximum level of funding to address America’s housing and homelessness crisis. #HoUSingIsInfrastructure
  • #DYK $37B for the nat’l Housing Trust Fund would build & preserve 330k homes affordable to people w/ the lowest incomes? When we keep people #HoUSed through a thriving housing stock, we prevent long-term health problems & promote healthy, productive lives.
  • [Member of Congress] #DYK that this once-in-a-generation investment of $327B in affordable housing could effectively end homelessness in the U.S.? Seize this opportunity to ensure the highest level of funding is provided for #Housing4UsAll
  • Millions of households are one financial shock away from eviction & homelessness. Everyone deserves a housing safety net; $90B for rental assistance for people with the lowest incomes is a big step toward providing it! #Housing4UsAll.
  • We need policy makers to ensure highest level of funding is provided for rental assistance, public housing, and the Housing Trust Fund in the Build Back Better Act. #HoUSingIsInfrastructure   
  • #DYK the $75B for Housing Choice Vouchers would provide 750k new vouchers for nearly 2M people to live in safe, stable housing? Children will be better able to learn, graduate, and excel by being stably #HoUSed.
  • Congress must advance anti-racist policies and provide the large-scale, sustained investments and reforms needed to ensure renters with the lowest incomes have an affordable place to call home. #HoUSingIsInfrastructure 
  • TY @FSCDems for stepping up and proposing $327B in affordable housing investments in the Build Back Better Act and bringing it to the forefront. Congress must fight for this level of funding in negotiations. #HoUSingIsInfrastructure
  • #DYK millions of eligible households have been on housing waiting lists for years; most never get it. The Build Back Better Act investments ($327B for affordable housing) will provide housing solutions for those w/ the greatest needs. #Housing4UsAll

Thank you for your advocacy!