Memo to Members

Mark your Calendars: September 24 is National Voter Registration Day

Sep 16, 2019

Affordable homes are built with ballots every bit as much as they are built with bricks and drywall. To elevate affordable rental housing as a top priority for policymakers, it is critical to increase voter registration, turnout, and education among low-income renters and their allies. Every year, however, millions of people are unable to vote because they have not registered, missed the registration deadline, or forgotten to update their registration with their current address.

Join organizations and volunteers across the country on Tuesday, September 24 to increase awareness about voter registration. National Voter Registration Day is a great opportunity to kick off your organization’s nonpartisan voter-registration work to ensure everyone has the opportunity to vote. 

Visit the National Voter Registration Day website for information on a broad array of September 24 activities.

Nonprofit Vote has materials about how to get started with voter engagement and voter registration activities, including a checklist to help you decide on your organization’s approach.

NLIHC’s nonpartisan voter and candidate engagement project, Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020 has materials and resources to support your voter registration efforts—including our new toolkit with tips for voter registration with a focus on best practices for registering low-income renters.