NLIHC Seeks Project Director

NLIHC seeks a project director for its ERASE (End Rental Arears to Stop Evictions) project to ensure that the historic emergency rental assistance ($46 billion) appropriated by Congress reaches the lowest-income and most marginalized renters it is intended to help. The project director will oversee efforts to track and analyze emergency rental assistance (ERA) utilization; document and share best practices and toolkits; influence and shape program design at federal, state, local levels; develop key partnerships and tools for outreach and education; and assess the remaining needs to inform advocacy for long-term investments to end housing instability and homelessness in the U.S. This is a one-year position (with the possibility of extension depending on funding) reporting to the NLIHC president and CEO.


  • Direct and coordinate the activities of a team of NLIHC staff and consultants dedicated to the ERASE project.
  • Work with the NLIHC ERASE team to build upon and advance the ERASE Research and Learning Network:
    • Build upon NLIHC’s existing systems and partners to track all ERA programs throughout the country and conduct original qualitative and quantitative research to analyze how programs are working.
    • Prepare and broadly disseminate materials designed to ensure that ERA advances racial equity and reaches the lowest-income and most marginalized renters.
    • Coordinate the creation and regular updating of public-facing and interactive “Dashboard” and clearing house, providing the public (impacted people, policy makers, media, advocates, and others) current information on how/whether ERA programs are meeting the needs of the lowest-income and most marginalized tenants. Track and highlight developing trends related to landlord participation, self-attestation, direct-to-tenant assistance, and ensure language translation and other accessibility features.
    • Document and share best practices, lessons learned, challenges and success. The ERASE team will analyze the number and types of households assisted and levels of assistance needed with careful attention to whether the programs are reaching the lowest-income and most marginalized renters most in need of assistance.
    • Create an ERASE advisory council, made up of model program administrators, CBOs, representative tenant organizer networks and impacted people to assist with design of toolkits, model forms, model programs and case studies on program design including tenant outreach, distribution methods, landlord participation, intake support, recertification, and more. Ensure these materials are broadly disseminated to program administrators, as well as to state and local housing organizations and activists so they can promote the utilization of user-friendly applications and systems by the administering agencies in their communities - to build the capacity of state-based partner organizations to influence, track, and assist with outreach and aid sign-up efforts.
    • Create opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, through a listserv and other mechanisms, to allow for program administrators to share lessons learned and useful tools/information with each other.
    • Organize and host webinars and other trainings for activists and non-profit organization leaders, as well as relevant state and local agency officials.
  • Build upon and advance, with the NLIHC ERASE team, NLIHC’s field advocacy and outreach in support of the campaign:
    • Oversee the provision of and ongoing support of NLIHC grants to state and local organizations around the country working on the key components of the ERASE project.
    • Ensure grantees engage in robust advocacy at the state and local level needed to ensure ERA funds are utilized effectively and efficiently and assist the lowest-income people in need.
    • Ensure grantees engage in effective outreach and sign-up efforts of low-income households, especially for programs or assistance that did not exist before, benefitting from direct outreach by people and organizations with meaningful roots in their communities.
    • Convene grantees for peer learning and strategy-sharing.
  • Prepare reports for NLIHC donors on activities, outputs and outcomes of the ERASE campaign, including summaries of activities undertaken by state and local grantees.

Qualifications: To receive serious consideration for this position, an applicant should have the following attributes and background:

  • A bachelor’s degree required; an advance degree preferred.
  • More than 8 years of experience directing/managing projects and campaigns and supervising staff. 
  • A strong, demonstrated commitment to the alleviation of poverty and social justice (affordable housing knowledge/experience strongly preferred).
  • Demonstrated strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and ability to coordinate multifaceted efforts by a diverse team.
  • Excellent communications skills, both orally and in writing.
  • Experience successfully building and maintaining professional partnerships and relationships.
  • An ability to work in a diverse, fast-paced environment.

Compensation and Benefits:  An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, NLIHC offers a competitive salary and benefits package. This is a full-time position located in Washington, DC, though candidates residing outside the DC area may be considered and telework is being implemented during the pandemic.  

Job Application Process:  Send a cover letter, resume, and two writing samples to: Diane Yentel and Paul Kealey, NLIHC, 1000 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20005 at [email protected] and [email protected]. The cover letter should describe the candidate’s interest in and relevant experiences for the position and include salary requirements and the names and contact information for at least three people serving as candidate references. (NLIHC will not contact references before consulting with the candidate.)