Memo to Members

Webinar on Educating Voters and Candidates on Housing Issues, April 18

Feb 22, 2016

The second webinar in NLIHC’s 2016 Voterization series, “Educating Voters and Candidates on Housing Issues,” will be presented on Monday, April 18 at 2:00pm ET. The presentation will provide detailed information on creating voter guides, participating in candidate forums, and getting candidates to take positions on issues through candidate questionnaires. If you missed the first webinar in our series covering voter registration and voter suppression, you can find a recording of the presentation and a copy of the slides at  

Throughout 2016 election season, NLIHC will offer webinars and resources to train advocates and service providers on how to carry out non-partisan voter engagement efforts with low income residents and their allies.

Strong low income resident participation in the high-stakes 2016 elections is essential to get candidates to address the issue of affordable rental housing in their campaigns. Learn how to make that happen. RSVP at:

For questions, contact the field team at [email protected].