An Unwavering Path Forward to Housing Justice

March 19 - 21, 2024 | Hilton Capitol Hill

Housing Policy Forum 2024!

Housing Policy Forum 2024: An Unwavering Path Forward to Housing Justice will commemorate NLIHC's 50-year anniversary by celebrating our organization’s history, achievements, and partners, while renewing our commitment to solving the nation’s housing and homelessness crisis.
The 2024 Forum will give attendees the chance to engage with and learn from thought leaders, policy experts, researchers, tenant advocates, affordable housing practitioners, and members of Congress about how to end the housing crisis impacting low-income renters in America.
NLIHC invites advocates to participate in Capitol Hill Day on Thursday, March 21, from 8:00am to 4:00pm. More information on how to participate, in the tab below. 

In-person registration for NLIHC’s Housing Policy Forum 2024 is sold out. On-site registration is not available. Virtual registration is now closed.

  • Featured Speakers

    Keynote Speakers

    Ms. Ifill
    Sherrilyn Ifill
    The 2024 Forum will feature an opening keynote discussion with acclaimed civil rights attorney and scholar Sherrilyn Ifill, who has played a prominent role in shaping the national conversation about race and civil rights. Ms. Ifill is currently serving as the 2023-2024 Steven and Maureen Klinsky Visiting Professor of Practice for Leadership and Progress at Harvard Law School.
    Jelani Cobb
    Dr. Jelani Cobb
    Renowned author and journalist Dr. Jelani Cobb will deliver the closing keynote address at the 2024 Forum. Revered as one of the clearest voices in current conversations about race, Dr. Cobb is the author of Substance of Hope: Barack Obama and the Paradox of Progress and To the Break of Dawn: A Freestyle on the Hip Hop Aesthetic, among other works.

    Plenary Speakers

    Representative Maxwell Frost (D-FL)
    Representative Maxwell Frost (D-FL)
    As the first member of Generation Z to be elected to Congress, Rep. Maxwell Frost will share his plans for addressing housing costs in a discussion held on Tuesday, March 19, at 2:30 pm.
    Representative Cori Bush (D-MO)
    Representative Cori Bush (D-MO)
    As the sponsor of the “Unhoused Bill of Rights,” Rep. Cori Bush will discuss the path forward to racial equity and housing justice, as well as the long-term solutions needed to address homelessness and housing insecurity.  
    Representative Jimmy Gomez (D-FL)
    Representative Jimmy Gomez (D-CA)


    A co-sponsor of the “Stable Families Act” and House champion of the “Eviction Crisis Act,” Rep. Jimmy Gomez will discuss his efforts to establish a Congressional Renters Caucus, as well as his support for transformative legislation to create permanent tools for preventing evictions and a new renter’s tax credit.
  • Capitol Hill Day

    NLIHC invites advocates to participate in Capitol Hill Day on Thursday, March 21, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, to meet with their members of Congress and urge them to advance long-term, anti-racist housing policy solutions. Advocates have the power to make real change for the lowest-income renters, and Capitol Hill Day is an opportunity to make your voices heard! 

    Advocates can convene at 8:00 am at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation (212 East Capitol Street NE, Washington, DC 20003) for a kickoff meeting at 8:00 am OR go straight to their meetings on Capitol Hill. 

    NOTE: The kickoff meeting is especially useful for new advocates but is not required. The space will be available until 4:00 pm for participants to store their luggage or rest in between meetings. 

    How to prepare:

    • Connect with your state captain or others from your state who are participating if you have not already!
    • Send your NLIHC organizer what meetings you have scheduled as you get them confirmed! 
    • Review NLIHC’s Capitol Hill Day Toolkit for talking points, tips, and other resources. 
    • Pack comfortable shoes – Capitol Hill Day is a lot of walking from meeting to meeting!
    • Remember that you do not have to be a policy expert to participate – your voice matters and your members of Congress work for you! 
    • Watch a recording of NLIHC's Hill Prep Day Webinar for additional tips and information about what to expect, including: 
      • A message to advocates from NLIHC President & CEO Diane Yentel on the importance of advocates’ voices;
      • An overview of NLIHC’s policy priorities for Capitol Hill Day;
      • An overview of what to expect on Capitol Hill Day and NLIHC’s tips and tricks for successful advocacy meetings; and
      • Housing Narrative Lab’s best practices for incorporating your personal or professional experience into your advocacy for the most impactful message. 

    We look forward to you joining us on March 21! 

    Have questions? Please contact [email protected] 

  • Hotel & Travel Scholarship

    2024 NLIHC Housing Policy Forum Hotel and Travel Scholarship

    The 2024 Hotel & Travel Scholarship Application is now closed. Thank you to all who submitted an application.

    NLIHC’s Housing Policy Forum 2024: An Unwavering Path Forward to Housing Justice commemorates the 50-year anniversary of NLIHC by offering a limited number of shared-lodging scholarships for stays at the Hilton Washington DC Capitol Hill and travel reimbursement to individuals and sponsoring organizations to help low-income people attend.

    NLIHC encourages the active participation of low-income people in all areas of our work, including our annual Housing Policy Forum. A limited number of scholarships will cover shared lodging and travel costs for low-income people to attend. Scholarship recipients must be current, dues-paying NLIHC members and must pay the $100 Forum registration fee. Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. 

    The forum will offer an array of opportunities to engage with and learn from others to advance housing justice, including a special session for tenant leaders and keynote addresses by acclaimed attorney and scholar Sherrilyn Ifill and Jelani Cobb, a renowned author and journalist.

    December 8: Scholarship applications open on a first-come, first-served basis.

    January 5: Scholarship applications are due. Once all scholarships are filled, additional applicants will be placed on a waitlist until February 5.

    February 2: Deadline for scholarship recipients to pay NLIHC membership dues (if not already current) and the $100 Forum registration fee. After this date, those who have not paid will forfeit their scholarship to someone on the waitlist.

    February 5: Individuals on the waitlist will be notified about whether NLIHC will be able to offer a scholarship to them.

    February 16: Deadline for scholarship recipients notified on February 5 of a scholarship award to pay NLIHC membership dues (if not already current) and the $100 Forum registration fee. 

    For more information, email [email protected]

  • Know Before You Go

    We look forward to connecting with you at NLIHC's Housing Policy Forum 2024: An Unwavering Path Forward to Housing Justice! To help you prepare, here are some important event details and planning considerations.

    IMPORTANT: In-person registration for NLIHC’s Housing Policy Forum 2024 is sold out. On-site registration is not available. Register today to attend virtually!

    Date and Location

    NOTE: We ask that advocates participating in Capitol Hill Day (Thursday, 3/21, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm) convene at 8:00 am at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation (212 East Capitol Street, Washington, DC 20003). 

    Forum Agenda

    Find the full Forum agenda, here

    About the Host Hotel

    IMPORTANT: Rooms at the host hotel are sold out. Reservations are no longer available.

    • The Hilton Washington DC Capitol Hill is the official hotel for NLIHC's Housing Policy Forum 2024.
    • The hotel is located near two different Metrorail stops. (For more information, see "Travel and Transportation," below).

    NOTE: Please contact [email protected] for additional nearby lodging options. 

    Travel & Transportation

    NEW! Engagefully Event App

    In-person registrants are invited to elevate their event experience with NLIHC’s new event app, Engagefully. The Engagefully app will offer in-person attendees the opportunity to customize their schedules, connect with other attendees and guest speakers, participate in Q&A sessions and polling, register for breakout sessions, and stay up to date on the latest event news and happenings. Attendees can also share congratulatory messages on NLIHC’s 50th anniversary!

    NLIHC's Engagefully app will be available for download on Saturday, March 16. Ahead of that time, we encourage in-person registrants to customize their full event schedule and secure seats for plenary sessions, breakout sessions, receptions, and more.  

    For questions on participation in the pre-forum State and Tribal Convening and Tenant Leader Session, or on customizing your full event schedule, please contact [email protected].

NLIHC 50 Anniversary

Memo to Members and Partners Articles

Register Now for NLIHC's 2025 Housing Policy Forum!

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