

State Facts

Minimum Wage$13.25
2-Bedroom Housing Wage$31.08
Number of Renter Households750,551
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $13.25/hr

Each week you have to work 79 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Compare Jurisdictions

MarylandMaryland Non-Metropolitan AreasBaltimore-Columbia-Towson MSACalifornia-Lexington Park MSACumberland MSAHagerstown HMFAPhiladelphia-Camden-Wilmington MSASalisbury HMFASomerset County HMFAWashington-Arlington-Alexandria HMFAWorcester County HMFAAllegany CountyAnne Arundel CountyBaltimore cityBaltimore CountyCalvert CountyCaroline CountyCarroll CountyCecil CountyCharles CountyDorchester CountyFrederick CountyGarrett CountyHarford CountyHoward CountyKent CountyMontgomery CountyPrince George's CountyQueen Anne's CountySomerset CountySt. Mary's CountyTalbot CountyWashington CountyWicomico CountyWorcester County
Number of Households
Total 2,294,270 62,020 1,087,833 40,236 27,563 58,630 38,672 39,452 8,113 909,178 22,573 27,563 218,682 244,893 326,932 32,751 11,963 62,907 38,672 58,138 13,123 97,615 12,392 97,468 118,037 8,291 383,308 337,366 18,914 8,113 40,236 16,251 58,630 39,452 22,573
Renter 750,551 16,931 359,026 11,390 8,611 20,195 9,388 16,399 2,628 300,638 5,345 8,611 55,656 127,516 109,685 4,815 3,342 10,754 9,388 12,618 4,085 23,071 2,538 19,972 31,948 2,654 132,562 127,572 3,495 2,628 11,390 4,312 20,195 16,399 5,345
Percent Renters 33% 27% 33% 28% 31% 34% 24% 42% 32% 33% 24% 31% 25% 52% 34% 15% 28% 17% 24% 22% 31% 24% 20% 20% 27% 32% 35% 38% 18% 32% 28% 27% 34% 42% 24%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $24.21 $16.26 $20.81 $25.08 $10.77 $13.63 $20.79 $16.46 $13.40 $30.56 $15.92 $10.77 $20.81 $20.81 $20.81 $30.56 $15.27 $20.81 $20.79 $30.56 $15.08 $30.56 $13.38 $20.81 $20.81 $16.83 $30.56 $30.56 $20.81 $13.40 $25.08 $19.48 $13.63 $16.46 $15.92
One-Bedroom $26.12 $16.60 $24.12 $25.44 $12.85 $15.73 $23.42 $16.56 $13.48 $31.06 $16.02 $12.85 $24.12 $24.12 $24.12 $31.06 $15.38 $24.12 $23.42 $31.06 $15.17 $31.06 $13.62 $24.12 $24.12 $16.94 $31.06 $31.06 $24.12 $13.48 $25.44 $20.44 $15.73 $16.56 $16.02
Two-Bedroom $31.08 $20.14 $29.77 $30.71 $16.12 $20.38 $28.27 $21.81 $17.75 $35.35 $18.77 $16.12 $29.77 $29.77 $29.77 $35.35 $20.23 $29.77 $28.27 $35.35 $19.06 $35.35 $15.88 $29.77 $29.77 $20.98 $35.35 $35.35 $29.77 $17.75 $30.71 $23.10 $20.38 $21.81 $18.77
Three-Bedroom $39.81 $28.22 $38.63 $41.69 $20.63 $28.96 $34.40 $28.96 $23.75 $44.21 $26.67 $20.63 $38.63 $38.63 $38.63 $44.21 $27.42 $38.63 $34.40 $44.21 $27.08 $44.21 $22.58 $38.63 $38.63 $28.90 $44.21 $44.21 $38.63 $23.75 $41.69 $32.83 $28.96 $28.96 $26.67
Four-Bedroom $46.42 $34.22 $44.19 $47.60 $26.08 $32.27 $39.98 $31.44 $23.85 $52.73 $31.96 $26.08 $44.19 $44.19 $44.19 $52.73 $34.42 $44.19 $39.98 $52.73 $32.46 $52.73 $27.06 $44.19 $44.19 $35.17 $52.73 $52.73 $44.19 $23.85 $47.60 $39.35 $32.27 $31.44 $31.96
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $1,259 $845 $1,082 $1,304 $560 $709 $1,081 $856 $697 $1,589 $828 $560 $1,082 $1,082 $1,082 $1,589 $794 $1,082 $1,081 $1,589 $784 $1,589 $696 $1,082 $1,082 $875 $1,589 $1,589 $1,082 $697 $1,304 $1,013 $709 $856 $828
One-Bedroom $1,358 $863 $1,254 $1,323 $668 $818 $1,218 $861 $701 $1,615 $833 $668 $1,254 $1,254 $1,254 $1,615 $800 $1,254 $1,218 $1,615 $789 $1,615 $708 $1,254 $1,254 $881 $1,615 $1,615 $1,254 $701 $1,323 $1,063 $818 $861 $833
Two-Bedroom $1,616 $1,047 $1,548 $1,597 $838 $1,060 $1,470 $1,134 $923 $1,838 $976 $838 $1,548 $1,548 $1,548 $1,838 $1,052 $1,548 $1,470 $1,838 $991 $1,838 $826 $1,548 $1,548 $1,091 $1,838 $1,838 $1,548 $923 $1,597 $1,201 $1,060 $1,134 $976
Three-Bedroom $2,070 $1,468 $2,009 $2,168 $1,073 $1,506 $1,789 $1,506 $1,235 $2,299 $1,387 $1,073 $2,009 $2,009 $2,009 $2,299 $1,426 $2,009 $1,789 $2,299 $1,408 $2,299 $1,174 $2,009 $2,009 $1,503 $2,299 $2,299 $2,009 $1,235 $2,168 $1,707 $1,506 $1,506 $1,387
Four-Bedroom $2,414 $1,779 $2,298 $2,475 $1,356 $1,678 $2,079 $1,635 $1,240 $2,742 $1,662 $1,356 $2,298 $2,298 $2,298 $2,742 $1,790 $2,298 $2,079 $2,742 $1,688 $2,742 $1,407 $2,298 $2,298 $1,829 $2,742 $2,742 $2,298 $1,240 $2,475 $2,046 $1,678 $1,635 $1,662
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $50,359 $33,815 $43,280 $52,160 $22,400 $28,360 $43,240 $34,240 $27,880 $63,560 $33,120 $22,400 $43,280 $43,280 $43,280 $63,560 $31,760 $43,280 $43,240 $63,560 $31,360 $63,560 $27,840 $43,280 $43,280 $35,000 $63,560 $63,560 $43,280 $27,880 $52,160 $40,520 $28,360 $34,240 $33,120
One-Bedroom $54,336 $34,529 $50,160 $52,920 $26,720 $32,720 $48,720 $34,440 $28,040 $64,600 $33,320 $26,720 $50,160 $50,160 $50,160 $64,600 $32,000 $50,160 $48,720 $64,600 $31,560 $64,600 $28,320 $50,160 $50,160 $35,240 $64,600 $64,600 $50,160 $28,040 $52,920 $42,520 $32,720 $34,440 $33,320
Two-Bedroom $64,642 $41,899 $61,920 $63,880 $33,520 $42,400 $58,800 $45,360 $36,920 $73,520 $39,040 $33,520 $61,920 $61,920 $61,920 $73,520 $42,080 $61,920 $58,800 $73,520 $39,640 $73,520 $33,040 $61,920 $61,920 $43,640 $73,520 $73,520 $61,920 $36,920 $63,880 $48,040 $42,400 $45,360 $39,040
Three-Bedroom $82,808 $58,701 $80,360 $86,720 $42,920 $60,240 $71,560 $60,240 $49,400 $91,960 $55,480 $42,920 $80,360 $80,360 $80,360 $91,960 $57,040 $80,360 $71,560 $91,960 $56,320 $91,960 $46,960 $80,360 $80,360 $60,120 $91,960 $91,960 $80,360 $49,400 $86,720 $68,280 $60,240 $60,240 $55,480
Four-Bedroom $96,555 $71,172 $91,920 $99,000 $54,240 $67,120 $83,160 $65,400 $49,600 $109,680 $66,480 $54,240 $91,920 $91,920 $91,920 $109,680 $71,600 $91,920 $83,160 $109,680 $67,520 $109,680 $56,280 $91,920 $91,920 $73,160 $109,680 $109,680 $91,920 $49,600 $99,000 $81,840 $67,120 $65,400 $66,480
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $15.00 $13.25 $16.70 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $780 $689 $868 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689 $689
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 73 49 63 76 33 41 63 50 40 92 48 33 63 63 63 92 46 63 63 92 46 92 40 63 55 51 73 92 63 40 76 59 41 50 48
One-Bedroom 79 50 73 77 39 47 71 50 41 94 48 39 73 73 73 94 46 73 71 94 46 94 41 73 64 51 74 94 73 41 77 62 47 50 48
Two-Bedroom 94 61 90 93 49 62 85 66 54 107 57 49 90 90 90 107 61 90 85 107 58 107 48 90 79 63 85 107 90 54 93 70 62 66 57
Three-Bedroom 120 85 117 126 62 87 104 87 72 133 81 62 117 117 117 133 83 117 104 133 82 133 68 117 103 87 106 133 117 72 126 99 87 87 81
Four-Bedroom 140 103 133 144 79 97 121 95 72 159 96 79 133 133 133 159 104 133 121 159 98 159 82 133 118 106 126 159 133 72 144 119 97 95 96
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914 $914
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274 $274
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $39,378 $27,439 $36,510 $42,780 $26,970 $28,710 $34,320 $27,960 $20,850 $45,630 $30,660 $26,970 $36,510 $36,510 $36,510 $45,630 $25,410 $36,510 $34,320 $45,630 $24,420 $45,630 $23,730 $36,510 $36,510 $31,020 $45,630 $45,630 $36,510 $20,850 $42,780 $32,370 $28,710 $27,960 $30,660
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $65,630 $45,731 $60,850 $71,300 $44,950 $47,850 $57,200 $46,600 $34,750 $76,050 $51,100 $44,950 $60,850 $60,850 $60,850 $76,050 $42,350 $60,850 $57,200 $76,050 $40,700 $76,050 $39,550 $60,850 $60,850 $51,700 $76,050 $76,050 $60,850 $34,750 $71,300 $53,950 $47,850 $46,600 $51,100
Median Renter Household Income $62,572 $41,761 $57,754 $71,026 $30,063 $40,856 $49,887 $46,672 $27,556 $73,477 $43,454 $30,063 $78,244 $42,072 $57,917 $70,900 $43,117 $54,178 $49,887 $75,856 $35,879 $66,726 $35,571 $59,930 $84,239 $37,524 $80,747 $67,005 $54,992 $27,556 $71,026 $52,532 $40,856 $46,672 $43,454
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $984 $686 $913 $1,070 $674 $718 $858 $699 $521 $1,141 $767 $674 $913 $913 $913 $1,141 $635 $913 $858 $1,141 $611 $1,141 $593 $913 $913 $776 $1,141 $1,141 $913 $521 $1,070 $809 $718 $699 $767
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,641 $1,143 $1,521 $1,783 $1,124 $1,196 $1,430 $1,165 $869 $1,901 $1,278 $1,124 $1,521 $1,521 $1,521 $1,901 $1,059 $1,521 $1,430 $1,901 $1,018 $1,901 $989 $1,521 $1,521 $1,293 $1,901 $1,901 $1,521 $869 $1,783 $1,349 $1,196 $1,165 $1,278
Median Renter Household Income $1,564 $1,044 $1,444 $1,776 $752 $1,021 $1,247 $1,167 $689 $1,837 $1,086 $752 $1,956 $1,052 $1,448 $1,772 $1,078 $1,354 $1,247 $1,896 $897 $1,668 $889 $1,498 $2,106 $938 $2,019 $1,675 $1,375 $689 $1,776 $1,313 $1,021 $1,167 $1,086

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

OccupationTotal EmploymentMedian Hourly Wage
Fast Food and Counter Workers52,640$14.51
Waiters and Waitresses30,870$14.70
Retail Salespersons67,170$15.08
Home Health and Personal Care Aides24,960$15.92
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners38,080$16.45
Cooks, Restaurant19,850$17.51
Stockers and Order Fillers48,660$17.99
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand36,660$18.18
Nursing Assistants26,240$18.21
Security Guards24,790$18.61
Office Clerks, General27,030$18.78
Customer Service Representatives47,110$19.50
Construction Laborers20,060$21.38
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive47,610$22.00
Light Truck Drivers26,660$22.35
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General19,890$23.66
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers20,420$23.71
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks19,640$24.36
All Occupations2,640,320$25.80
One-Bedroom Housing Wage$26.12
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers26,150$26.63
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage$31.08
Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education29,990$31.68
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers31,960$31.73
Sales Representatives of Services, Except Advertising, Insurance, Financial Services, and Travel26,310$32.54
Accountants and Auditors25,770$40.38
Registered Nurses49,790$42.06
Business Operations Specialists, All Other36,600$47.49
General and Operations Managers78,370$48.09
Project Management Specialists29,810$49.18
Computer Occupations, All Other23,380$64.11
Software Developers27,800$65.13