State Facts
Minimum Wage | $14.70 |
2-Bedroom Housing Wage | $32.34 |
Number of Renter Households | 618,278 |
Number of Renter Households Below 30% AMI |
133,226 |
Percent of Renter Households Below 30% AMI |
22% |
Number of Renter Households Below 50% AMI |
232,289 |
Percent of Renter Households Below 50% AMI |
38% |
Working at minimum wage $14.70/hr
Each week you have to work 74 hours
To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent
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Oregon | Oregon Non-metropolitan areas | Albany MSA | Bend-Redmond MSA | Corvallis MSA | Eugene-Springfield MSA | Grants Pass MSA | Medford MSA | Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro MSA | Salem MSA | Baker County | Benton County | Clackamas County | Clatsop County | Columbia County | Coos County | Crook County | Curry County | Deschutes County | Douglas County | Gilliam County | Grant County | Harney County | Hood River County | Jackson County | Jefferson County | Josephine County | Klamath County | Lake County | Lane County | Lincoln County | Linn County | Malheur County | Marion County | Morrow County | Multnomah County | Polk County | Sherman County | Tillamook County | Umatilla County | Union County | Wallowa County | Wasco County | Washington County | Wheeler County † | Yamhill County | |
Number of Households |
Total | 1,680,800 | 277,951 | 49,944 | 81,481 | 37,853 | 158,621 | 36,210 | 89,876 | 793,182 | 155,682 | 7,004 | 37,853 | 160,984 | 17,246 | 20,335 | 28,075 | 10,291 | 11,148 | 81,481 | 46,242 | 862 | 3,368 | 3,102 | 9,039 | 89,876 | 8,591 | 36,210 | 28,186 | 3,364 | 158,621 | 22,483 | 49,944 | 9,952 | 123,460 | 4,201 | 343,370 | 32,222 | 770 | 11,522 | 27,422 | 10,700 | 3,271 | 10,488 | 230,122 | 624 | 38,371 |
Renter | 618,278 | 86,121 | 16,499 | 24,660 | 16,662 | 64,535 | 10,645 | 31,425 | 309,284 | 58,447 | 1,946 | 16,662 | 46,532 | 6,583 | 4,758 | 8,657 | 2,542 | 2,606 | 24,660 | 13,161 | 219 | 743 | 958 | 2,869 | 31,425 | 2,564 | 10,645 | 9,291 | 1,262 | 64,535 | 6,587 | 16,499 | 4,124 | 47,186 | 1,267 | 156,286 | 11,261 | 231 | 3,058 | 9,175 | 3,573 | 854 | 3,658 | 89,954 | 193 | 11,754 |
Percent Renters | 37% | 31% | 33% | 30% | 44% | 41% | 29% | 35% | 39% | 38% | 28% | 44% | 29% | 38% | 23% | 31% | 25% | 23% | 30% | 28% | 25% | 22% | 31% | 32% | 35% | 30% | 29% | 33% | 38% | 41% | 29% | 33% | 41% | 38% | 30% | 46% | 35% | 30% | 27% | 33% | 33% | 26% | 35% | 39% | 31% | 31% |
Housing Wage |
Zero-Bedroom | $24.92 | $15.39 | $18.04 | $21.48 | $22.92 | $18.33 | $17.54 | $18.19 | $31.73 | $19.17 | $12.19 | $22.92 | $31.73 | $18.27 | $31.73 | $14.54 | $15.19 | $16.92 | $21.48 | $14.40 | $14.87 | $12.52 | $11.79 | $23.77 | $18.19 | $14.25 | $17.54 | $13.46 | $13.04 | $18.33 | $17.85 | $18.04 | $12.67 | $19.17 | $11.92 | $31.73 | $19.17 | $14.37 | $16.00 | $13.77 | $13.81 | $12.77 | $23.77 | $31.73 | $11.79 | $31.73 |
One-Bedroom | $27.08 | $17.03 | $21.56 | $24.67 | $23.77 | $20.44 | $19.69 | $20.42 | $34.15 | $20.25 | $14.60 | $23.77 | $34.15 | $19.25 | $34.15 | $15.94 | $18.40 | $18.21 | $24.67 | $16.29 | $16.69 | $14.48 | $13.25 | $26.69 | $20.42 | $16.21 | $19.69 | $15.12 | $15.27 | $20.44 | $18.69 | $21.56 | $14.23 | $20.25 | $13.62 | $34.15 | $20.25 | $16.13 | $17.67 | $15.62 | $15.52 | $15.25 | $24.23 | $34.15 | $13.25 | $34.15 |
Two-Bedroom | $32.34 | $21.93 | $26.62 | $31.21 | $30.19 | $26.87 | $25.88 | $26.85 | $38.92 | $25.77 | $17.63 | $30.19 | $38.92 | $24.50 | $38.92 | $20.67 | $22.42 | $22.04 | $31.21 | $21.46 | $21.94 | $18.46 | $17.40 | $35.08 | $26.85 | $21.02 | $25.88 | $19.87 | $18.06 | $26.87 | $24.50 | $26.62 | $18.04 | $25.77 | $17.60 | $38.92 | $25.77 | $21.19 | $22.56 | $20.33 | $20.38 | $18.83 | $29.79 | $38.92 | $17.40 | $38.92 |
Three-Bedroom | $45.10 | $30.74 | $35.94 | $43.98 | $42.54 | $37.87 | $36.48 | $37.83 | $54.02 | $36.31 | $24.85 | $42.54 | $54.02 | $32.96 | $54.02 | $29.13 | $30.42 | $31.06 | $43.98 | $30.48 | $28.17 | $26.02 | $24.52 | $49.42 | $37.83 | $29.62 | $36.48 | $28.00 | $25.44 | $37.87 | $34.27 | $35.94 | $25.27 | $36.31 | $24.79 | $54.02 | $36.31 | $27.62 | $31.79 | $28.65 | $28.73 | $26.54 | $41.98 | $54.02 | $24.52 | $54.02 |
Four-Bedroom | $52.46 | $36.77 | $41.92 | $52.96 | $47.98 | $45.60 | $36.87 | $45.33 | $62.58 | $40.29 | $28.88 | $47.98 | $62.58 | $41.58 | $62.58 | $34.65 | $38.06 | $35.15 | $52.96 | $36.21 | $37.23 | $31.33 | $29.54 | $59.52 | $45.33 | $33.79 | $36.87 | $33.71 | $30.63 | $45.60 | $41.58 | $41.92 | $30.62 | $40.29 | $29.87 | $62.58 | $40.29 | $32.90 | $34.79 | $34.50 | $32.81 | $31.94 | $50.42 | $62.58 | $29.54 | $62.58 |
Fair Market Rent |
Zero-Bedroom | $1,296 | $800 | $938 | $1,117 | $1,192 | $953 | $912 | $946 | $1,650 | $997 | $634 | $1,192 | $1,650 | $950 | $1,650 | $756 | $790 | $880 | $1,117 | $749 | $773 | $651 | $613 | $1,236 | $946 | $741 | $912 | $700 | $678 | $953 | $928 | $938 | $659 | $997 | $620 | $1,650 | $997 | $747 | $832 | $716 | $718 | $664 | $1,236 | $1,650 | $613 | $1,650 |
One-Bedroom | $1,408 | $885 | $1,121 | $1,283 | $1,236 | $1,063 | $1,024 | $1,062 | $1,776 | $1,053 | $759 | $1,236 | $1,776 | $1,001 | $1,776 | $829 | $957 | $947 | $1,283 | $847 | $868 | $753 | $689 | $1,388 | $1,062 | $843 | $1,024 | $786 | $794 | $1,063 | $972 | $1,121 | $740 | $1,053 | $708 | $1,776 | $1,053 | $839 | $919 | $812 | $807 | $793 | $1,260 | $1,776 | $689 | $1,776 |
Two-Bedroom | $1,682 | $1,140 | $1,384 | $1,623 | $1,570 | $1,397 | $1,346 | $1,396 | $2,024 | $1,340 | $917 | $1,570 | $2,024 | $1,274 | $2,024 | $1,075 | $1,166 | $1,146 | $1,623 | $1,116 | $1,141 | $960 | $905 | $1,824 | $1,396 | $1,093 | $1,346 | $1,033 | $939 | $1,397 | $1,274 | $1,384 | $938 | $1,340 | $915 | $2,024 | $1,340 | $1,102 | $1,173 | $1,057 | $1,060 | $979 | $1,549 | $2,024 | $905 | $2,024 |
Three-Bedroom | $2,345 | $1,599 | $1,869 | $2,287 | $2,212 | $1,969 | $1,897 | $1,967 | $2,809 | $1,888 | $1,292 | $2,212 | $2,809 | $1,714 | $2,809 | $1,515 | $1,582 | $1,615 | $2,287 | $1,585 | $1,465 | $1,353 | $1,275 | $2,570 | $1,967 | $1,540 | $1,897 | $1,456 | $1,323 | $1,969 | $1,782 | $1,869 | $1,314 | $1,888 | $1,289 | $2,809 | $1,888 | $1,436 | $1,653 | $1,490 | $1,494 | $1,380 | $2,183 | $2,809 | $1,275 | $2,809 |
Four-Bedroom | $2,728 | $1,912 | $2,180 | $2,754 | $2,495 | $2,371 | $1,917 | $2,357 | $3,254 | $2,095 | $1,502 | $2,495 | $3,254 | $2,162 | $3,254 | $1,802 | $1,979 | $1,828 | $2,754 | $1,883 | $1,936 | $1,629 | $1,536 | $3,095 | $2,357 | $1,757 | $1,917 | $1,753 | $1,593 | $2,371 | $2,162 | $2,180 | $1,592 | $2,095 | $1,553 | $3,254 | $2,095 | $1,711 | $1,809 | $1,794 | $1,706 | $1,661 | $2,622 | $3,254 | $1,536 | $3,254 |
Annual Income Needed to Afford |
Zero-Bedroom | $51,842 | $32,007 | $37,520 | $44,680 | $47,680 | $38,120 | $36,480 | $37,840 | $66,000 | $39,880 | $25,360 | $47,680 | $66,000 | $38,000 | $66,000 | $30,240 | $31,600 | $35,200 | $44,680 | $29,960 | $30,920 | $26,040 | $24,520 | $49,440 | $37,840 | $29,640 | $36,480 | $28,000 | $27,120 | $38,120 | $37,120 | $37,520 | $26,360 | $39,880 | $24,800 | $66,000 | $39,880 | $29,880 | $33,280 | $28,640 | $28,720 | $26,560 | $49,440 | $66,000 | $24,520 | $66,000 |
One-Bedroom | $56,330 | $35,419 | $44,840 | $51,320 | $49,440 | $42,520 | $40,960 | $42,480 | $71,040 | $42,120 | $30,360 | $49,440 | $71,040 | $40,040 | $71,040 | $33,160 | $38,280 | $37,880 | $51,320 | $33,880 | $34,720 | $30,120 | $27,560 | $55,520 | $42,480 | $33,720 | $40,960 | $31,440 | $31,760 | $42,520 | $38,880 | $44,840 | $29,600 | $42,120 | $28,320 | $71,040 | $42,120 | $33,560 | $36,760 | $32,480 | $32,280 | $31,720 | $50,400 | $71,040 | $27,560 | $71,040 |
Two-Bedroom | $67,275 | $45,604 | $55,360 | $64,920 | $62,800 | $55,880 | $53,840 | $55,840 | $80,960 | $53,600 | $36,680 | $62,800 | $80,960 | $50,960 | $80,960 | $43,000 | $46,640 | $45,840 | $64,920 | $44,640 | $45,640 | $38,400 | $36,200 | $72,960 | $55,840 | $43,720 | $53,840 | $41,320 | $37,560 | $55,880 | $50,960 | $55,360 | $37,520 | $53,600 | $36,600 | $80,960 | $53,600 | $44,080 | $46,920 | $42,280 | $42,400 | $39,160 | $61,960 | $80,960 | $36,200 | $80,960 |
Three-Bedroom | $93,806 | $63,940 | $74,760 | $91,480 | $88,480 | $78,760 | $75,880 | $78,680 | $112,360 | $75,520 | $51,680 | $88,480 | $112,360 | $68,560 | $112,360 | $60,600 | $63,280 | $64,600 | $91,480 | $63,400 | $58,600 | $54,120 | $51,000 | $102,800 | $78,680 | $61,600 | $75,880 | $58,240 | $52,920 | $78,760 | $71,280 | $74,760 | $52,560 | $75,520 | $51,560 | $112,360 | $75,520 | $57,440 | $66,120 | $59,600 | $59,760 | $55,200 | $87,320 | $112,360 | $51,000 | $112,360 |
Four-Bedroom | $109,108 | $76,489 | $87,200 | $110,160 | $99,800 | $94,840 | $76,680 | $94,280 | $130,160 | $83,800 | $60,080 | $99,800 | $130,160 | $86,480 | $130,160 | $72,080 | $79,160 | $73,120 | $110,160 | $75,320 | $77,440 | $65,160 | $61,440 | $123,800 | $94,280 | $70,280 | $76,680 | $70,120 | $63,720 | $94,840 | $86,480 | $87,200 | $63,680 | $83,800 | $62,120 | $130,160 | $83,800 | $68,440 | $72,360 | $71,760 | $68,240 | $66,440 | $104,880 | $130,160 | $61,440 | $130,160 |
Minimum Wage |
Minimum Wage | $14.70 | $14.70 | $14.70 | $14.70 | $14.70 | $14.70 | $14.70 | $14.70 | $14.70 | $14.70 | $13.70 | $14.70 | $15.95 | $13.70 | $14.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $14.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $14.70 | $13.70 | $14.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $14.70 | $13.70 | $14.70 | $13.70 | $14.70 | $13.70 | $15.95 | $14.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $13.70 | $15.95 | $13.70 | $14.70 |
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage | $764 | $764 | $764 | $764 | $764 | $764 | $764 | $764 | $764 | $764 | $712 | $764 | $829 | $712 | $764 | $712 | $712 | $712 | $764 | $712 | $712 | $712 | $712 | $712 | $764 | $712 | $764 | $712 | $712 | $764 | $712 | $764 | $712 | $764 | $712 | $829 | $764 | $712 | $712 | $712 | $712 | $712 | $712 | $829 | $712 | $764 |
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage |
Zero-Bedroom | 68 | 42 | 49 | 58 | 62 | 50 | 48 | 50 | 86 | 52 | 36 | 62 | 80 | 53 | 86 | 42 | 44 | 49 | 58 | 42 | 43 | 37 | 34 | 69 | 50 | 42 | 48 | 39 | 38 | 50 | 52 | 49 | 37 | 52 | 35 | 80 | 52 | 42 | 47 | 40 | 40 | 37 | 69 | 80 | 34 | 86 |
One-Bedroom | 74 | 46 | 59 | 67 | 65 | 56 | 54 | 56 | 93 | 55 | 43 | 65 | 86 | 56 | 93 | 47 | 54 | 53 | 67 | 48 | 49 | 42 | 39 | 78 | 56 | 47 | 54 | 44 | 45 | 56 | 55 | 59 | 42 | 55 | 40 | 86 | 55 | 47 | 52 | 46 | 45 | 45 | 71 | 86 | 39 | 93 |
Two-Bedroom | 88 | 60 | 72 | 85 | 82 | 73 | 70 | 73 | 106 | 70 | 51 | 82 | 98 | 72 | 106 | 60 | 65 | 64 | 85 | 63 | 64 | 54 | 51 | 102 | 73 | 61 | 70 | 58 | 53 | 73 | 72 | 72 | 53 | 70 | 51 | 98 | 70 | 62 | 66 | 59 | 60 | 55 | 87 | 98 | 51 | 106 |
Three-Bedroom | 123 | 84 | 98 | 120 | 116 | 103 | 99 | 103 | 147 | 99 | 73 | 116 | 135 | 96 | 147 | 85 | 89 | 91 | 120 | 89 | 82 | 76 | 72 | 144 | 103 | 86 | 99 | 82 | 74 | 103 | 100 | 98 | 74 | 99 | 72 | 135 | 99 | 81 | 93 | 84 | 84 | 77 | 123 | 135 | 72 | 147 |
Four-Bedroom | 143 | 100 | 114 | 144 | 131 | 124 | 100 | 123 | 170 | 110 | 84 | 131 | 157 | 121 | 170 | 101 | 111 | 103 | 144 | 106 | 109 | 91 | 86 | 174 | 123 | 99 | 100 | 98 | 89 | 124 | 121 | 114 | 89 | 110 | 87 | 157 | 110 | 96 | 102 | 101 | 96 | 93 | 147 | 157 | 86 | 170 |
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment |
SSI Monthly Payment | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 | $943 |
Rent affordable to SSI recipient | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 | $283 |
Income Levels |
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) | $30,525 | $24,122 | $25,470 | $31,530 | $32,940 | $26,730 | $22,800 | $26,340 | $35,070 | $27,390 | $21,270 | $32,940 | $35,070 | $27,690 | $35,070 | $23,550 | $27,300 | $22,710 | $31,530 | $21,990 | $23,010 | $21,330 | $18,420 | $31,260 | $26,340 | $24,300 | $22,800 | $22,560 | $23,670 | $26,730 | $23,460 | $25,470 | $19,740 | $27,390 | $23,040 | $35,070 | $27,390 | $23,580 | $23,280 | $29,130 | $23,430 | $24,210 | $24,990 | $35,070 | $20,100 | $35,070 |
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) | $50,875 | $40,203 | $42,450 | $52,550 | $54,900 | $44,550 | $38,000 | $43,900 | $58,450 | $45,650 | $35,450 | $54,900 | $58,450 | $46,150 | $58,450 | $39,250 | $45,500 | $37,850 | $52,550 | $36,650 | $38,350 | $35,550 | $30,700 | $52,100 | $43,900 | $40,500 | $38,000 | $37,600 | $39,450 | $44,550 | $39,100 | $42,450 | $32,900 | $45,650 | $38,400 | $58,450 | $45,650 | $39,300 | $38,800 | $48,550 | $39,050 | $40,350 | $41,650 | $58,450 | $33,500 | $58,450 |
Median Renter Household Income | $55,320 | $44,556 | $50,074 | $60,435 | $41,083 | $45,262 | $39,891 | $46,420 | $63,488 | $50,043 | $43,275 | $41,083 | $62,168 | $49,784 | $50,385 | $39,282 | $54,917 | $46,923 | $60,435 | $44,103 | $73,226 | $44,077 | $32,603 | $57,771 | $46,420 | $53,016 | $39,891 | $40,127 | $38,962 | $45,262 | $40,841 | $50,074 | $40,816 | $50,118 | $47,276 | $59,636 | $49,726 | $60,067 | $54,517 | $46,560 | $39,512 | $32,448 | $42,317 | $72,930 | $54,136 | $52,972 |
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels |
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) | $763 | $603 | $637 | $788 | $824 | $668 | $570 | $659 | $877 | $685 | $532 | $824 | $877 | $692 | $877 | $589 | $683 | $568 | $788 | $550 | $575 | $533 | $461 | $782 | $659 | $608 | $570 | $564 | $592 | $668 | $587 | $637 | $494 | $685 | $576 | $877 | $685 | $590 | $582 | $728 | $586 | $605 | $625 | $877 | $503 | $877 |
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) | $1,272 | $1,005 | $1,061 | $1,314 | $1,373 | $1,114 | $950 | $1,098 | $1,461 | $1,141 | $886 | $1,373 | $1,461 | $1,154 | $1,461 | $981 | $1,138 | $946 | $1,314 | $916 | $959 | $889 | $768 | $1,303 | $1,098 | $1,013 | $950 | $940 | $986 | $1,114 | $978 | $1,061 | $823 | $1,141 | $960 | $1,461 | $1,141 | $983 | $970 | $1,214 | $976 | $1,009 | $1,041 | $1,461 | $838 | $1,461 |
Median Renter Household Income | $1,383 | $1,114 | $1,252 | $1,511 | $1,027 | $1,132 | $997 | $1,161 | $1,587 | $1,251 | $1,082 | $1,027 | $1,554 | $1,245 | $1,260 | $982 | $1,373 | $1,173 | $1,511 | $1,103 | $1,831 | $1,102 | $815 | $1,444 | $1,161 | $1,325 | $997 | $1,003 | $974 | $1,132 | $1,021 | $1,252 | $1,020 | $1,253 | $1,182 | $1,491 | $1,243 | $1,502 | $1,363 | $1,164 | $988 | $811 | $1,058 | $1,823 | $1,353 | $1,324 |
Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations
Occupation | Total Employment | Median Hourly Wage |
Waiters and Waitresses | 22,680 | $15.32 |
Fast Food and Counter Workers | 57,630 | $15.75 |
Cashiers | 38,010 | $16.41 |
Retail Salespersons | 50,090 | $17.36 |
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners | 22,000 | $18.05 |
Cooks, Restaurant | 18,740 | $18.07 |
Personal Care and Service Workers, All Other | 22,220 | $18.21 |
Receptionists and Information Clerks | 16,010 | $18.46 |
Home Health and Personal Care Aides | 33,060 | $18.95 |
Stockers and Order Fillers | 44,590 | $19.60 |
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand | 30,240 | $19.98 |
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers | 14,030 | $21.28 |
Office Clerks, General | 26,840 | $21.86 |
Customer Service Representatives | 27,680 | $21.87 |
Nursing Assistants | 13,660 | $22.78 |
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers | 13,860 | $22.95 |
Medical Secretaries and Administrative Assistants | 13,880 | $23.31 |
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General | 16,450 | $23.32 |
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks | 25,720 | $23.72 |
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive | 23,340 | $23.74 |
All Occupations | 1,943,180 | $24.63 |
One-Bedroom Housing Wage | $27.08 | |
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers | 24,240 | $29.31 |
Carpenters | 14,980 | $30.52 |
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products | 15,200 | $30.95 |
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers | 14,660 | $31.85 |
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage | $32.34 | |
Business Operations Specialists, All Other | 17,470 | $32.79 |
Accountants and Auditors | 14,130 | $38.62 |
Project Management Specialists | 18,050 | $43.05 |
General and Operations Managers | 47,740 | $44.68 |
Registered Nurses | 38,770 | $54.64 |
Software Developers | 21,650 | $64.02 |