Two-Bedroom Housing Wage by Zip Code

The dollar amount shown for each zip code is the two-bedroom Housing Wage, which are only available within metropolitan areas. Zip code-level Housing Wages are based on HUD’s Small Area Fair Market Rents (FMRs) for Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) from the U.S. Census Bureau, which differ slightly from U.S. Postal Service zip codes. If you have questions about your specific zip code or if you would like to share feedback or receive more detailed information about the data, please contact the NLIHC research team at [email protected].

Given the number of zip codes, they will appear on the map only while you are zoomed-in past a certain level. If your zip code does not appear after zooming-in, it is likely not a Census ZCTA and is within another ZCTA. You can pan across the map by clicking and dragging with your cursor.