HUD Secretary Carson Testifies on HUD FY20 Budget

HUD Secretary Ben Carson testified on the Trump administration’s FY20 budget request before both the House and the Senate Appropriations Transportation-HUD (THUD) Subcommittees on April 3. Lawmakers…

House Committee Reviews Fair Housing Act

The House Financial Services Committee held a hearing on April 2 to review the Fair Housing Act and related efforts to eliminate discrimination and promote opportunity in housing. Witnesses testified…

Memo to Members & Partners | Volume 24, Issue 12

Memo to Members and Partners Takes One Week Hiatus There will be no Memo to Members and Partners on Monday, April 1, due to the NLIHC Policy Forum March 27-29. Memo will return on April 8

Details of President Trump’s Budget Request Available

Full details of President Donald Trump’s fiscal year 2020 budget request for HUD programs was released on Monday, March 18, expanding on the Budget in Brief released on March 11 (see Memo, 3/11). The…