Recap of 4/24 National HoUSed Campaign Call

NLIHC hosted a national HoUSed campaign call on April 24. Attendees heard the latest news from Capitol Hill regarding U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) harmful proposal to…

NLIHC’s The Gap 2023 Now Available in Spanish!

NLIHC has released The Gap: La Escasez de Viviendas Asequibles, a Spanish-language edition of its annual report on the shortage of homes affordable and available to the lowest-income renters. The…

Recording of 4/17 Tenant Talk Live Now Available!

During this week’s “Tenant Talk Live” call, attendees learned from advocates in Oregon and Wisconsin about how to influence policy. Kevin Cronin of Housing Oregon spoke about how he has drawn on his…

Recap of 4/17 Homelessness and Housing First Webinar

More than 10,600 people registered for the Homelessness and Housing First webinar hosted by NLIHC, the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH), and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (…