FEMA Announces Five-Year National Tribal Strategy

FEMA unveiled a new strategic document on August 18 outlining the agency’s plan to develop its relationships with Tribal Nations. The “2022-2026 FEMA National Tribal Strategy” addresses FEMA’s…

Coronavirus Updates – August 22, 2022

End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) Project Please join NLIHC in Washington, D.C., for our ERASE National Convening on October 17, 2022. The convening, “Emergency Rental Assistance: A Path…

Disaster Housing Recovery Update – August 22, 2022

Congressional and Executive Actions In remarks to reporters in southeastern Kentucky, President Biden pledged that his administration will continue supplying federal resources for “as long as it…

NLIHC Seeks Executive Assistant

NLIHC seeks an executive assistant who will be responsible for providing administrative and support services to the President and CEO and the Chief Operating Officer (COO) to assist in the effective…