Planning to attend this year’s Housing Policy Forum in Washington, D.C.? Be sure to book your hotel room now to lock in a discounted rate! NLIHC still has a limited number of discounts available for…
Every year, NLIHC honors individual leaders and organizations for their outstanding contributions to affordable housing at our Housing Leadership Awards Ceremony. This year, we are excited to present…
Housing Matters, an initiative undertaken by the Urban Institute, has published an article, “Rising Sea Levels Are Threatening Affordable Housing. What Can Local Governments Do?,” tracing the impact…
A new study published in Social Service Review, “Who Counts? Educational Disadvantage among Children Identified as Homeless and Implications for the Systems That Serve Them,” examines the educational…
Source: Lowell, W., Hanratty, M. (2023). Who counts? Educational disadvantage among children identified as homeless and implications for the systems that serve them. Retrieved from https://www.…
NLIHC is preparing to release the winter issue of Tenant Talk on February 9! You can sign up to receive a free hard copy of the new issue, Advancing Tenant Protections: Building Tenant Power to…
The Nebraska Strategic Housing Council released Nebraska’s 2022 Strategic Housing Framework on January 5. The Framework addresses two main challenges: housing affordability and the lack of safe,…
The following are some of the news stories to which NLIHC contributed during the week of January 15:
“Rough Sleepers – The Growing Problem of Homelessness in America” Forbes, January 18 at: http…
NLIHC staff will be speaking at the following events in the coming months:
Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies Winter Legislative Conference – Columbus, OH, January 26 (Lindsay Duvall)…
The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives released assignments for key housing committees last week, although two vital committees – the House Committee on Financial Services and House Committee…
The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) hosted a webinar on January 10 focusing on the Biden administration’s federal plan for ending homelessness in the U.S. The webinar provided an…
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a rules package along mostly party lines on January 9, with a final vote of 220-213. The rules package lays out policies by which Republicans will run the…