HUD to Conduct Lead-Safe Housing Rule Webinar Series

HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) is conducting three webinars to review the Lead-Safe Housing Rule (LSHR) as it applies to public housing, tenant-based rental assistance…

Treasury Issues Notice Regarding Unobligated ERA1 Funds

The U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) issued a notice on September 13 regarding unobligated emergency rental assistance (ERA1) funds provided through the “Consolidated Appropriations Act of…

Coronavirus Updates – September 19, 2022

National Updates Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HUD’s Office of Affordable Housing Programs is holding a webinar on September 21 at 2 pm ET that will provide a basic overview of…

Disaster Housing Recovery Update – September 19, 2022

Congressional and Executive Actions The U.S. House of Representatives returned from August recess to pass a raft of disaster recovery legislation on September 13 and 14. The bills included the “…

NLIHC Seeks ERASE Project Coordinator

NLIHC seeks a project coordinator for its ERASE (End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions) project. The ERASE project coordinator will work with the senior director and ERASE team to support the…