Representatives Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Tony Cárdenas (D-CA) introduced on September 10 the “Lifting Immigrant Families Through Benefits Access Restoration Act of 2021,” or the “LIFT the BAR Act…
HUD’s Office of Recapitalization (Recap) posted a one-page RAD Complaint Process for residents of public housing properties undergoing conversion or that have converted under the Rental Assistance…
HUD published in the Federal Register on September 9 its list of the 2022 Difficult Development Areas (DDAs) and Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs) used in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)…
HUD’s Office of Recapitalization (Recap) issued a notice in the Federal Register on September 10 establishing the process to replace former public housing units that have been converted to Section 8…
The Opportunity Starts at Home multi-sector affordable homes campaign recently released a new issue brief, survey, and podcast on the connection between educational outcomes and housing. These new…
Join NLIHC’s Tenant Talk Live webinar today, Monday, September 13 at 6 pm ET (5 pm CT, 4 pm MT, 3 pm PT). We will discuss resources available for renters interested in becoming homeowners. NLIHC…
NLIHC and the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) will host the second installment of a webinar series on natural hazards and the federally assisted housing stock. The second…
Sources: (1) Household Pulse Survey Week 35: August 4 - August 16, 2021, U.S. Census Bureau; (2) Emergency Rental Assistance Monthly Compliance Report: July 1- 31, 2021, U.S. Department of the…
The California Assembly passed a pair of bills in August that would reduce exclusionary zoning, increase residential density, and mitigate the affordable housing shortage. Senate Bill 9 (SB9) makes…
The House and Senate are currently determining how to invest more than $330 billion in affordable housing as part of its $3.5 trillion infrastructure and economic recovery bill. Congress needs to…
NLIHC and the HoUSed and Opportunity Starts at Home campaigns are hosting a congressional briefing on September 9 at 3 pm ET titled “Housing is Infrastructure: What the Latest Research Tells Us About…
Join today’s (September 7) national HoUSed campaign call from 2:30-4 pm ET. Jasmine Rangel and Jacob Haas from the Eviction Lab will join to share the latest data from the Lab’s eviction tracking…