HUD’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued a June 28 report, “Multifamily Health and Safety Complaint Process,” finding that the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs’ complaint process did…
HUD announced in the August 6 Federal Register its publication of FY22 Fair Market Rents (FMRs). FMRs are used to determine payment standards for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program; initial…
A recently released study from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that longer exposure to more advantaged neighborhoods during childhood improves long-term health, well-being, and…
A new study published in Cityscape, “Understanding Low-Income Hispanic Housing Challenges and the Use of Housing and Homelessness Assistance,” finds that despite facing severe housing challenges,…
An article in Cityscape, “Estimating the Prevalence of Eviction in the United States: New Data from the 2017 American Housing Survey,” examines key findings from the 2017 American Housing Survey (AHS…
The New Jersey state budget signed by Governor Phil Murphy on June 29 preserves full funding of New Jersey’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) and uses general funds to pay for other non-AHTF…
The National Housing Law Project (NHLP) will conduct a webinar, “Crime-Free Programs and Nuisance Property Ordinances: How Their Enforcement May Implicate Civil Rights and Other Laws,” on Thursday,…
The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) seeks a project coordinator for its ERASE (End Rental Arears to Stop Evictions) project to ensure that the historic emergency rental assistance ($46…
Help the NLIHC end homelessness and housing poverty in America! NLIHC seeks a fund development intern for the fall semester (August or early September to December) to support NLIHC activities…
My name is Isabel Weir, and I just finished my last week as a research intern at NLIHC during the summer of 2021. During my time at the Coalition, I worked closely with the research team on emergency…
The following are some of the news stories that NLIHC contributed to during the week of August 1:
“Covid-19 spike prompts Biden to launch new eviction ban,” Forbes Advisor, August 3 at: https://…