HUD’s Office of Inspector General released a memo evaluating radon policies for the Offices of Community Planning and Development (CPD), Multifamily Housing Programs (Multifamily), and Public and…
HUD has posted ten fact sheets that highlight strategies grantees can adopt to address changes in their Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) formula grant resulting from HOPWA…
The Opportunity Starts at Home multisector affordable homes campaign released a new podcast episode, “Building Multi-Sector Partnerships in Ohio.” The episode explores the work of the campaign’s…
Join us on April 28 to celebrate the contributions of Joy Johnson, long-time resident leader of the Charlottesville Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR) and former NLIHC board member;…
A recent report by the Terner Center for Housing Innovation, “Crisis, Response, and Recovery: The Federal Government and the Black/White Homeownership Gap,” argues that federal policies after crises…
The Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) released its 2021 Housing Impact Report: Feature on Older Adults, which finds that 2.44 million households headed by an older adult…
The Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) released a systematic review of COVID-19 research and data on renter experiences. “Renters’ Responses to Financial Stress During the Pandemic” outlines the…
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) released a report, “More Housing Vouchers: Most Important Step to Help More People Afford Stable Homes.” The report explains the benefits of…
NLIHC released on April 15 its Advocates’ Guide 2021: A Primer on Federal Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs, a comprehensive resource for advocates and others involved in many…
The California Housing Partnership and Housing California—both NLIHC state partners—recently unveiled Roadmap Home 2030, a comprehensive framework of equity-centered, evidence-based policy solutions…
NLIHC announced on April 14 the appointment of four new members to the NLIHC Board of Directors: Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey President and CEO Staci Berger; Chief Seattle…