Urban Institute Releases Housing Supply Chartbook

The Urban Institute released a “Housing Supply Chartbook,” which provides summary data about the total U.S. housing stock, the share of the housing stock by housing type, construction costs, regional…

NLIHC in the News for the Week of January 19

“HUD's fair housing policies could promote further racial discrimination, experts say,” NBCNews.com, January 22 at: https://tinyurl.com/wf7smbr  “Is Dr. King's dream being denied or deferred?,” The…

NLIHC Welcomes New Research Intern Jordan April

NLIHC is pleased to welcome Jordan April as the Coalition’s 2020 spring research intern. Jordan April is a senior at George Mason University where she majors in Government and International Politics…

Where to Find Us – January 27

NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel and other NLIHC staff will be speaking at the following events in the coming months: CHAPA Breakfast Forum: Doing Business in Times of Uncertainty, Part IV,”…