Please join us for the launch of Tenant Talk Live—a bimonthly call/webinar with resident leaders from across the country. The first call/webinar is scheduled for Today, October 28, at 6:00 p.m. ET (5…
NLIHC and the Fair Share Housing Center of New Jersey released on October 25 Fixing America’s Broken Disaster Housing Recovery System: Part 1: Barriers to a Complete and Equitable Recovery…
The Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Building, and Emergency Management of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee held a hearing on federal disaster relief efforts on…
The following is a review of additional disaster housing recovery developments since the last edition of Memo to Members and Partners (for the article in the previous Memo, see 10/21…
NLIHC’s Housing Policy Forum 2020: Ending Homelessness and Housing Poverty will take place in Washington, DC, March 25-27, 2020, at the Washington Court Hotel. Register for the Forum today at: https…
Several states and many localities will hold elections on November 5. It’s time to get out the vote! NLIHC’s nonpartisan voter and candidate engagement project, Our Homes, Our Votes: 2020, focuses on…
The 2020 presidential election is well underway, and voters want to hear from the candidates about how they plan to address the nation’s growing homelessness and housing affordability crisis. Our…
NLIHC and National Housing Law Project held a Capitol Hill briefing on Healthy Housing solutions on October 23.
NLIHC Vice President of Public Policy, Sarah Saadian gave opening…
Representative Steve Stivers (R-OH) was named ranking member of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development, and Insurance on October 17. The Subcommittee is…
The House Financial Services Committee held a full committee hearing, “The End of Affordable Housing? A Review of the Trump Administration’s Plans to Change Housing Finance in America,” on October 22…
HUD released on October 22 a Final Report: Evaluation of HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD). The report has a chapter on the impact on residents of converting their public housing to one of…
Since its inception in 2018 the Opportunity Starts at Home multi-sector affordable homes campaign has urged Congress to create a “National Housing Stabilization Fund” to provide short-term financial…