Budget Resolution Still Elusive

Another week has passed with the prospects of an FY17 budget resolution growing dimmer. On the Senate side, any budget resolution that attempts to undo the $30 billion increase in discretionary…

HUD Publishes Resources for LGBT Service Providers

HUD has published a variety of technical assistance resources on serving the LGBT people who are homeless  for service providers on its LGBT Homelessness webpage. Materials include a guidebook…

Additional Dates Added for CHDO Staff Training

As previously announced (see Memo, 2/29 and 3/7), HUD will hold 11 two-day courses about the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) program’s Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) regulatory…

Voterization Webinar, April 18

The second webinar in NLIHC’s 2016 Voterization series, “Educating Voters and Candidates on Housing Issues,” will be held on Monday, April 18 at 2:00pm ET. The webinar will provide detailed…