The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’ (CBPP) updated Chart Book: Federal Housing Spending is Poorly Matched to Need continues to show how federal housing expenditures disproportionately benefit…
Note: Low income households have income at or less than 80 percent of area median income.
Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. (2017). Interactive Graphic: Highlighting the 3 Out of 4…
NLIHC released its new report, The GAP: A Shortage of Affordable Homes, on March 2. The report finds a shortage of 7.4 million affordable and available rental homes for extremely low income (ELI)…
“Cost Burden” means spending more than 30% of income on housing and utilities. “Severe Cost Burden” means spending more than 50% of income on housing and utilities. “Extremely Low…
Source: Joint Committee on Taxation. (2017). Estimates of federal tax expenditures for fiscal years 2016-2020. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from…
Source: Dawkins, C. & Miller, M. (2017). The characteristics and unmet housing program needs of disabled HUD-assisted households. Housing Policy Debate.
Soon after the start of the 115th Congress, Representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) reintroduced legislation they sought to advance in previous Congresses. The “Local Zoning…
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of dramatic policy shifts in recent days, it is with good reason. In President Donald Trump’s first week of office, he has signed more Executive…
Source: Source: HUD (2017). Housing needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives in tribal areas: A report from the Assessment of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs.…