NLIHC will host the next session of “Tenant Talk Live” – a webinar geared towards tenant and resident leaders – next Monday, August 21, at 6 pm ET. The webinar, “How to Form a Tenant-Based Group: Resident Council, Tenant Association, Tenants Union, and Beyond!,” will offer tips for forming a new group, including how to talk to your neighbors, organize, and address the threat of retaliation. NLIHC staff will be joined by Ryan Bell, Southern California regional coordinator at Tenants Together, and Santra Denis, executive director of the Miami Workers Center. Register for next Monday’s Tenant Talk Live webinar here.
Tenant Talk Live audience members have frequently asked how they can start a housing justice movement in their community. If you find yourself asking this question, this webinar is for you! Join the upcoming session of Tenant Talk Live to learn about the first steps to take when forming a tenant group in your community, as well as the different types of tenant groups you can form, including tenant unions, resident councils, and tenant associations. Attendees will also learn how to manage threats of retaliation from landlords.
“Tenant Talk Live” webinars are held the first and third Monday of every month at 6 pm ET. For more information on future topics, view our website: To stay up to date on “Tenant Talk Live” events and connect with other attendees, join the Tenant Talk Facebook group.
“Tenant Talk Live” would not be possible without tenants like you! We strive to connect and engage with residents and tenant leaders through our webinars. If you are a low-income tenant and have a topic you would like to propose for an upcoming “Tenant Talk Live,” or if you would like to participate as a speaker on an upcoming call or webinar, please email: [email protected]. Webinars like “Tenant Talk Live” also depend on the support of our members. Become an NLIHC member here!