Support Racial Equity in Housing with Tools and Resources from NLIHC’s IDEAS Webpage!

NLIHC has always centered racial equity in housing while seeking to dismantle systemic housing discrimination. This week – and every week – we invite advocates to explore our Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-racism, and Systems-thinking (IDEAS) webpage for the most up-to-date information on equity-focused training opportunities, IDEAS events, and resources to support equity-focused affordable housing solutions. Not only does IDEAS ensure that NLIHC’s organizational commitment to equity shapes every area of our operations, but it also provides tools and tactics to help partner organizations incorporate IDEAS into all aspects of their work.

Learn More on the IDEAS Webpage

The webpage highlights NLIHC’s policy, research, and advocacy work to advance racial equity and inclusion in federal housing policy. In addition, the webpage provides historical context for understanding the housing disparities we see today; helps advocates better understand the interconnected, dynamic, and adaptive nature of systems; and provides tools to help advocates advance anti-racist policies and redress the impacts of decades of intentionally racist housing and transportation policies.

The page includes a resource list with website recommendations and tools to help advocates address structural and systemic racism in housing policy. The IDEAS Resource Library offers recommendations for books, articles, podcasts, and other material to help advocates in their learning journey. The page also offers a list of suggested readings for advocates who are just getting started in centering racial equity in their work.

>For more information on IDEAS, contact NLIHC’s Senior Vice President for Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Renee M. Willis at: [email protected]

Visit the IDEAS Webpage Today