


State Facts

Minimum Wage $14.00
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $44.60
Number of Renter Households 185,090
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $14.00/hr

Each week you have to work 98 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Hawaii Hawaii Non-metropolitan areas Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina MSA Urban Honolulu MSA Hawaii County Honolulu County Kalawao County † Kauai County Maui County
Number of Households
Total 483,906 95,478 54,728 333,700 72,468 333,700 32 22,978 54,728
Renter 185,090 28,804 18,970 137,316 20,690 137,316 32 8,082 18,970
Percent Renters 38% 30% 35% 41% 29% 41% 100% 35% 35%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $31.59 $28.84 $32.23 $32.08 $28.04 $32.08 $23.23 $30.92 $32.23
One-Bedroom $34.22 $31.15 $32.71 $35.08 $29.77 $35.08 $24.92 $34.71 $32.71
Two-Bedroom $44.60 $40.60 $41.13 $45.92 $38.65 $45.92 $32.75 $45.62 $41.13
Three-Bedroom $61.97 $52.64 $56.29 $64.71 $49.77 $64.71 $42.25 $60.04 $56.29
Four-Bedroom $73.44 $59.42 $62.25 $77.92 $54.90 $77.92 $47.79 $71.02 $62.25
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $1,643 $1,500 $1,676 $1,668 $1,458 $1,668 $1,208 $1,608 $1,676
One-Bedroom $1,780 $1,620 $1,701 $1,824 $1,548 $1,824 $1,296 $1,805 $1,701
Two-Bedroom $2,319 $2,111 $2,139 $2,388 $2,010 $2,388 $1,703 $2,372 $2,139
Three-Bedroom $3,222 $2,737 $2,927 $3,365 $2,588 $3,365 $2,197 $3,122 $2,927
Four-Bedroom $3,819 $3,090 $3,237 $4,052 $2,855 $4,052 $2,485 $3,693 $3,237
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $65,706 $59,992 $67,040 $66,720 $58,320 $66,720 $48,320 $64,320 $67,040
One-Bedroom $71,185 $64,793 $68,040 $72,960 $61,920 $72,960 $51,840 $72,200 $68,040
Two-Bedroom $92,776 $84,449 $85,560 $95,520 $80,400 $95,520 $68,120 $94,880 $85,560
Three-Bedroom $128,898 $109,496 $117,080 $134,600 $103,520 $134,600 $87,880 $124,880 $117,080
Four-Bedroom $152,749 $123,589 $129,480 $162,080 $114,200 $162,080 $99,400 $147,720 $129,480
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $728 $728 $728 $728 $728 $728 $728 $728 $728
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 90 82 92 92 80 92 66 88 92
One-Bedroom 98 89 93 100 85 100 71 99 93
Two-Bedroom 127 116 118 131 110 131 94 130 118
Three-Bedroom 177 150 161 185 142 185 121 172 161
Four-Bedroom 210 170 178 223 157 223 137 203 178
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943 $943
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283 $283
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $34,500 $29,875 $33,240 $36,030 $29,160 $36,030 $30,210 $32,130 $33,240
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $57,500 $49,792 $55,400 $60,050 $48,600 $60,050 $50,350 $53,550 $55,400
Median Renter Household Income $72,094 $59,956 $72,811 $74,542 $55,600 $74,542 $93,236 $70,974 $72,811
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $863 $747 $831 $901 $729 $901 $755 $803 $831
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,438 $1,245 $1,385 $1,501 $1,215 $1,501 $1,259 $1,339 $1,385
Median Renter Household Income $1,802 $1,499 $1,820 $1,864 $1,390 $1,864 $2,331 $1,774 $1,820

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Waiters and Waitresses 14,380 $13.88
Fast Food and Counter Workers 24,080 $14.32
Cashiers 13,230 $16.21
Retail Salespersons 16,420 $17.50
Amusement and Recreation Attendants 3,880 $17.58
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 6,950 $17.68
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 10,390 $17.80
Dining Room and Cafeteria Attendants and Bartender Helpers 5,190 $17.84
Food Preparation Workers 4,130 $17.91
Receptionists and Information Clerks 3,870 $18.25
Stockers and Order Fillers 8,050 $18.53
Customer Service Representatives 8,420 $18.98
Security Guards 9,390 $19.16
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 9,180 $19.82
Office Clerks, General 16,260 $19.99
Cooks, Restaurant 12,120 $20.44
Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers 6,870 $20.97
Nursing Assistants 3,930 $21.71
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 7,570 $21.85
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 5,530 $23.48
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 7,520 $23.61
Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 10,470 $24.14
All Occupations 616,980 $24.87
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 6,260 $26.27
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 7,030 $27.83
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 10,330 $29.88
Construction Laborers 4,750 $30.62
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $34.22
Accountants and Auditors 4,980 $34.22
Carpenters 5,520 $40.40
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $44.60
General and Operations Managers 12,570 $51.71
Registered Nurses 11,920 $63.63