State Data Overview
Across Hawaii, there is a shortage of rental homes affordable and available to extremely low income households (ELI), whose incomes are at or below the poverty guideline or 30% of their area median income (AMI). Many of these households are severely cost burdened, spending more than half of their income on housing. Severely cost burdened poor households are more likely than other renters to sacrifice other necessities like healthy food and healthcare to pay the rent, and to experience unstable housing situations like evictions.
KeyFacts40,629Or22%Renter households that are extremely low income-25,631Shortage of rental homes affordable and available for extremely low income renters$35,450Average income limit for 4-person extremely low income household$92,776Annual household income needed to afford a two-bedroom rental home at HUD's Fair Market Rent.71%Percent of extremely low income renter households with severe cost burden -
State Level Partners
NLIHC Housing Advocacy Organizer
Lindsay Duvall
202.662.1530 x206 | [email protected]
State PartnersHawai’i Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice
733 Bishop Street, Suite 1180
Honolulu, HI 96813
P 808-587-7605
Gavin Thornton, Executive Director
[email protected]Become an NLIHC State Partner
NLIHC’s affiliation with our state coalition partners is central to our advocacy efforts. Although our partners' involvement varies, they are all housing and homeless advocacy organizations engaged at the state and federal level. Many are traditional coalitions with a range of members; others are local organizations that serve more informally as NLIHC's point of contact.
Inquire about becoming a state partner by contacting [email protected]
Housing Trust FundHTF Implementation Information
NLIHC continues working with leaders in each state and the District of Columbia who will mobilize advocates in support of HTF allocation plans that benefit ELI renters to the greatest extent possible. Please contact the point person coordinating with NLIHC in your state (below) to find out about the public participation process and how you can be involved. Email Tori Bourret with any questions.
Hawaii will subgrant 50% of its HTF allocation each year to the City and County of Honolulu. The remaining 50% will be subgranted to neighbor island counties on a rotating basis, as the state has done in the past with its HOME program allocations. In FY16, the County of Kauai received 50% of Hawaii’s HTF allocation. In FY17, the County of Maui is to receive 50%. Subgrantees such as Honolulu, Kauai, and Maui must have their own local HTF Allocation Plan.
Current Year HTF Allocation$3,744,423
HTF State Resources2020
Annual Action Plan Information Package (PDF)
Final Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on pages 87-95 and 115-117 (PDF)
HTF Allocation Plan (PDF)
HTF Allocation Plan (PDF)
Final Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on pages 79-87 and 109 (PDF)
HTF Allocation Plan (PDF)
Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on page 69 (PDF)
Substantial Amendment #1, Kaiwahine Village Phase II, Maui (PDF)
Substantial Amendment #2, Hale Makana o Maili and Queen Emma Tower, Honolulu (PDF)
HTF Allocation Plan (PDF)
Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on page 77 (PDF)
Annual Action Plan (revised Oct 2018) with HTF Allocation Plan on page 55 (PDF)
Site Blessing for Koa’e Makana project (PDF)
HTF Allocation Plan (PDF)
HTF Application (PDF)
Draft Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on page 198 (PDF)
Annual Action Plan (revised Oct 2018) with HTF Allocation Plan on page 55 (PDF)
Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on page 108 (PDF)
Draft Amended Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on page 103 (PDF)
HUD’s critique (PDF)
Draft Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on page 65 (PDF)
Final Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on page 61 (PDF)
Amended Final Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on page 64 (PDF)
County of Hawaii
Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on pages 53-61 (PDF)
Annual Action Plan with HTF Allocation Plan on pages 52-55 and 173-180 (PDF)
State Designated Entity:Denise Leina'ala Iseri-Matsubara
Executive Director
Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation
677 Queen Street, Suite 300
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Official Directly Involved with HTF Implementation
Jeff Martin
Housing Finance Specialist
Danielle Guthrie
Housing Finance Specialist II
State Entity Webpage
Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation
NHTF-specific pages
Darrell T. Young
Interim Administrator
Community Based Development Division
Department of Community Services
City & County of Honolulu
Direct: 808-768-5480
Main: 808-768-7762
Gailene Wong
Mayor's Office of Housing
Community Based Development Division
Development, Acquisition, Construction, and Fair Housing Branch
Adam P. Roversi
Kaua‘i County Housing Agency
Steve Franco
Housing Development Coordinator
808 241-4444
County of Hawaii
Brandi Ah Yo
Susan Kunz
Housing Administrator
Office of Housing and Community
Beryl Manliguis
Housing and Community Development
Chantal Lonergan
HOME and Housing Trust Fund Specialist
Getting Started Report (11 MB) -
Housing Profiles
State Housing Profile
State Housing Profile: Hawai'i (PDF)
Congressional District Housing Profile
Congressional District Profile: Hawai'i (PDF)
Research and Data
National Housing Preservation Database
The National Housing Preservation Database is an address-level inventory of federally assisted rental housing in the United States.
Out of Reach: The High Cost of Housing
Out of Reach documents the gap between renters’ wages and the cost of rental housing. In Hawaii and Nationwide
The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Rental Homes
The Gap represents data on the affordable housing supply and housing cost burdens at the national, state, and metropolitan levels. In Hawaii and Nationwide
Other Links -
Take Action
COVID-19 ResourcesCOVID-19 Resources
Rental Assistance
NLIHC has estimated a need for no less than $100 billion in emergency rental assistance and broke down the need and cost for each state (download Excel spreadsheet).
In response to COVID-19 and its economic fallout, many cities and states are creating or expanding rental assistance programs to support individuals and families impacted by the pandemic, and NLIHC is tracking in-depth information on these programs.
You can use the interactive map and searchable database to find state and local emergency rental assistance programs near you. You can also see the latest news on rental assistance programs through the state-by-state news tracker. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of all rental assistance programs as we continue to update frequently. If you are aware of a program not included in our database, please contact [email protected].
Shelter Closings
Across the country, homeless service providers are struggling to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to follow public health guidelines and help ensure people’s safety, some shelters are being forced to reduce services, restrict admittance, or close entirely. The loss of these critical resources puts people experiencing homelessness at even higher risk of illness. Check NLIHC's cumulative list of shelter closings.
Below is a list of shelters that have had to majorly alter services or completely close:
No information at this time.
State and Local News
The Hawaii Public Housing Authority received an additional $4.7 million in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan for Housing Choice Vouchers and Mainstream Vouchers for non-elderly persons with disabilities who would have lost their rental assistance due to insufficient funding. “No one should lose their home during a pandemic,” said Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) in a press release announcing the funds.
Updated on December 13, 2021
Governor David Ige expanded the free landlord-tenant mediation program to help renters catch up on rent before being evicted. According to the Hawaii Tribune-Herald, the previous mediation sessions were only for tenants that were behind on four or more months of rent. Now, it includes tenants who are three months or more behind, and payments will continue month-by-month until they are caught up.
Updated on October 5, 2021
Hawaii Public Radio explains how the eviction mediation process works in Hawaii. Act 57 changed the state’s eviction procedures for non-payment of rent and encourages landlords and tenants first to enter mediation before evictions proceed to the courts. Since Hawaii’s moratorium ended, the Mediation Center of the Pacific saw an influx in mediation notices.
Updated on September 14, 2021
With Hawaii’s eviction moratorium ending in August, Maui officials will join landlord and tenant attorneys, mediation administrators, and rent and utility administrators for a roundtable on available federal, state, and county support for struggling renters.
Updated on July 26, 2021The Honolulu Civil Beat reports Hawaii counties are trying to spread the word about millions of dollars in federal rent and utility assistance. There is a gap between the estimated number of people in need and the actual number of applicants.
Updated on July 15, 2021Hawaii Governor David Ige on June 7 extended the statewide eviction moratorium for two months, but he does not expect to extend it past August 6. “We are asking all of the advocates and stakeholders to help us implement the mediation programs and really help as many people as we can in that window,” said Governor Ige.
Updated on June 14, 2021Hawaii’s eviction moratorium is set to expire on June 8, and Governor David Ige has not yet decided if he will extend the protections. Housing advocates say that lifting the eviction moratorium will overwhelm the courts. There are hundreds of millions of federal rent relief that has not been distributed yet.
Updated on June 4, 2021Hawaii Governor David Ige on April 9 issued an emergency proclamation extending the statewide eviction moratorium until June 8, 2021.
Updated on April 28, 2021
Despite federal and statewide eviction moratoriums, landlords in Hawaii are using loopholes to continue evicting tenants. Landlords are evading the moratorium by selling their properties or having relatives move into the property. Governor David Ige extended Hawaii’s moratorium through at least April 13.
Updated on March 01, 2021
The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) received a federal funding allocation of $2.4 million for rental assistance. The DHHL COVID-19 relief program began accepting applications on Monday, February 8.
Updated on February 17, 2021
Facing a looming eviction crisis, housing advocates in Hawaii are urging state officials not to cut funding for critical homelessness services.
Updated on January 25, 2021
Loopholes in Hawaii’s eviction moratorium have allowed landlords to evict tenants. The moratorium, which remains in effect through February 14, prohibits landlords from raising rents and evicting tenants for nonpayment of rent. Landlords, however, are allowed to move back into their units or sell their properties under the moratorium.
Updated on January 15, 2021
A survey from the University of Hawai’i Department of Urban and Regional Planning found there are currently 18,000 households delinquent on their rent, and that number does not include people who are current on their but have exhausted their savings. On October 2, the Kuau’i County Housing Agency announced the availability of rent and mortgage assistance, which is funded through the CARES Act.
Updated on October 19, 2020
An op-ed in the Honolulu Star Advertiser argues that renters need more assistance to remain stably housed. The $100 million State Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program has received tens of thousands of applications for financial assistance.
Updated on October 5, 2020
Governor David Ige announced on September 8 the launch of the State of Hawaii Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program. The $100 million rent relief program is funded through the CARES Act.
Updated on September 22, 2020
The Hawaii House Committee on Human Services and Homelessness recently met to discuss strategies to increase awareness of resources available to people experiencing homelessness during the pandemic. One such resource is the Behavioral Health and Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group website: https://health.hawaii.gov/bhhsurg/
Updated on September 15, 2020
Despite Hawaii’s eviction moratorium, some landlords are illegally harassing tenants and forcing them out of their homes. While the extended eviction moratorium provides relief for renters, attorneys say state officials need to increase enforcement of the ban.
Catherine Pirkle, a University of Hawaii at Manoa public health professor, told NBC News that overcrowded living situations in Hawaii can lead to clusters of positive coronavirus cases. Many Hawaii households contain multiple generations and crowding is common, especially for low-income households, making social distancing impossible.
Updated on September 2, 2020.
A letter to the editor in the Star Advertiser urges that no resident should be unsheltered in Hawaii.
Updated on August 19, 2020.
Despite Hawaii’s eviction moratorium, tenant advocates report that landlords have been using illegal tactics to evict tenants. Advocates are also concerned that a new rule approved by the Hawaii Public Housing Authority to enact strict social distancing requirements will result in increased evictions across the state.
Updated on August 11, 2020.
Governor David Ige vetoed a spending plan that would have added $100 in state weekly unemployment benefits and a $100 million spending plan for housing and rental assistance, arguing that $50 million is enough to launch a rent relief program by the end of the year.
Updated on August 4, 2020.
An opinion piece in the Civil Beat discussed the urgent need for bold action to prevent a tidal wave of evictions and an increase in homelessness in Hawaii. Even with the state’s eviction moratorium, there are widespread reports of landlords illegally evicting tenants and imposing aggressive tactics to pressure the tenant to “voluntarily” leave.
Updated on July 28, 2020.
An analysis by the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization and the Hawaii Budget and Policy Center estimates that between 40,000 and 45,000 of Hawaii renter households will be unemployed by the end of July. Approximately 21,500 of these renter households will be at risk of losing their housing, while 7,500 renter households will be at extreme risk.
Updated on July 7, 2020.
A Star-Advertiser editorial urges officials to use available federal resources from the CARES Act to address Hawaii’s homelessness needs: “It’s now the duty of state and local lawmakers and officials to deliver this funding where it’s urgently needed. At this point in time, keeping more families housed is central to any rational pandemic recovery strategy.”
Updated on June 22, 2020.
Hawaii’s rate of homelessness was among the worst in the country before the pandemic, and researchers project increases in homelessness due to loss of employment and wages and the inability to afford rent.
Updated on June 12, 2020.
One person experiencing homelessness in Hawaii has tested positive for the virus thus far. The health department said that even though the state will begin to reopen, it needs to remain vigilant and increase testing, particularly of people living in congregate settings such as homeless shelters.
An editorial in the Star Advertiser discusses why the state needs to focus on solutions that address long-standing affordable housing issues, not only short-term relief solutions. James Koshiba, co-founder of Hui Aloha, a homeless advocacy group, highlighted that Hawaii should broaden its focus from emergency relief to prevention and permanent solutions.
Three O’ahu service providers shared updates on efforts to help sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 shutdown.
Doctors in Hawaii have expressed concern that the state is not taking the necessary steps to prevent a potential COVID-19 outbreak in homeless shelters. On O'ahu, officials scrapped plans to provide walk-in testing for 4,400 residents experiencing homelessness at Iwilei Center. Instead, the city and state are directing people experiencing homelessness with coronavirus-related concerns to its CARES hotline.
The rooms in the Kona Holiday Inn Express are now serving as isolation units for high-risk seniors, respectfully known as kupuna, who are experiencing homelessness, amid stay-at-home orders. 1,324 people on Hawaiʻi Island received homeless services last year. At least 7% of those were kupuna.
State Level Guidance
No information at this time.
State Partner OpEds and LTEs
Article Title Link Hawaii’s Not Ready For A Wave Of Evictions Caused By The Pandemic Civil Beat Eviction Update
Federal, state, and local eviction moratoriums are rapidly expiring and the CARES Act supplemental unemployment benefits will end soon; at that time, millions of low-income renters will be at risk of losing their homes. The NLIHC estimates at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance is needed to keep low-income renters stably housed during and after the pandemic. This tracker links to news reports of the growing evictions crisis in various cities and states. Check NLIHC's cumulative list of eviction updates.
Despite the state’s eviction moratorium, attorneys who represent low-income communities say that landlords have been forcing people who can’t pay rent out anyway, without going to court or calling the sheriff and there has been little enforcement from the state.
Updated on August 28, 2020.
Despite Hawaii’s eviction moratorium, tenant advocates report that landlords have been using illegal tactics to evict tenants. Advocates are also concerned that a new rule approved by the Hawaii Public Housing Authority to enact strict social distancing requirements will result in increased evictions across the state.
Updated: August 12
No eviction proceedings can take place in cases of nonpayment of rent, maintenance fees, utility charges, taxes, or other fees through August 31. The Hawaii Department of Public Safety Sheriff Division is suspending all eviction activities.
Updated on August 1, 2020.
In the third week of July, 22.4% of adults in Hawaii reported they had missed their previous housing payment or had little confidence they would make their next one on time, according to a weekly survey conducted by the Census. In the same survey, 39,330 renters reported they had not paid their previous rental payment.
Updated: July 29
21,500 renter households in Hawaii are at-risk of losing their homes, with 7,500 of these households at "extreme risk.” An estimated backlog of 800 eviction cases will begin being processed on August 1. According to a weekly survey by the Census, 29% of adults in the state either missed their last housing payment or have little/no confidence of being able to make next month’s housing payment.
Updated: July 16
COVID-19 Resources OtherNational Media
What to Know About Housing and Rent During the COVID-19 Emergency? https://tinyurl.com/y74ox85d
Arbor Realty Trust launched an innovative $2 million rental assistance program to help thousands of tenants and families significantly impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. Arbor is contributing $1 million to the program and participating borrowers will match Arbor's advances to its tenants in need to help fill the rent gap during the hard-hit months of May and June. Together, the partnership program will provide $2 million in relief. https://tinyurl.com/y9r6x9vb