The Senate passed their budget resolution on October 19 calling for flat funding for non-discretionary programs in FY18 and cuts of over $600 billion over the following 10 years. These cuts are…
Take Action TODAY: Tell your representative to vote NO on House budget that includes massive cuts to safety net programs!
The House of Representatives will vote this week on a budget resolution that…
The Senate Budget Committee will debate and vote on its FY18 budget resolution October 4-5. The resolution, released on September 29, sets topline spending levels at $549 billion for defense and $516…
The House passed its FY18 omnibus spending package on September 14 by a largely party-line vote of 211-198. The spending package, which includes funding for affordable housing and community…
Congress approved on September 8 a deal, struck by President Trump and Democratic leadership, to provide $15 billion in disaster relief, fund the government, and raise the federal debt limit through…
The House began debate of its FY18 omnibus spending package, which includes funding for affordable housing and community development investments at HUD and USDA, on September 6. Members worked…
The House will begin debate today on its fiscal year (FY) 2018 omnibus spending package, which includes funding for affordable housing and community development investments at HUD and USDA, as well…
The National Fair Housing Alliance is circulating a sign-on letter opposing an amendment proposed by Representative Steve Stivers (R-OH) that would shift funding away from private fair housing…
Members of the House of Representatives filed dozens of amendments to the FY18 Transportation-HUD spending bill, which was combined with seven other domestic spending bills to form a larger package.…
Join us for a Twitter storm today at 2 pm ET to tell Congress to pass a #cleanbudget for FY18 and to protect affordable housing investments.
Please join NLIHC and the Clean Budget Coalition for a…
Please join NLIHC and the Clean Budget Coalition for a Twitter storm on August 25 from 2-2:30 pm ET to urge Congress to fully fund affordable housing and community development programs in FY18 and to…
The House plans to vote on the FY18 Transportation-HUD (THUD) spending bill in the first few days of September after members of Congress return from their month-long recess. The current plan is for…