Congress passed on September 30 a continuing resolution (CR) extending current funding levels for the federal government until December 3, 2021 (see Memo, 10/4), but since the CR was enacted,…
Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) bipartisan resolution designating November as Homeless Children and Youth Awareness Month passed the Senate on November 16 with unanimous…
Children’s HealthWatch recently released a new research article that explores the connection between housing and child poverty. The article reviews how historical housing policies are linked to child…
An article published by the Urban Institute, “The Rise of Market-Reliant Affordable Housing Tools,” examines the changing use of three local-level affordable housing tools: housing trust funds,…
Source: Urban Institute. (2021). The Rise of Market-Reliant Affordable Housing Tools: Findings from the National Longitudinal Land Use Survey. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from…
Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee announced that $400 million of federal COVID-19 relief funds will be used to provide home- and community-based services (HCBS) to individuals with disabilities and…
With #GivingTuesday coming on November 30, NLIHC encourages you to give for affordable homes!
NLIHC’s ability to mobilize the affordable housing community and advance bold affordable housing…
NLIHC encourages affordable housing advocates to submit nominations for the 2022 Annual Organizing Awards. Two awards will be granted for organizations or campaigns that organized to successfully…
NLIHC member and partners are encouraged to submit nominations (or self-nominate!) to fill upcoming vacancies on the NLIHC board of directors. Nominees for board membership must be current dues-…
NLIHC seeks a skilled writer/editor who will support the Coalition’s publications, internal and external communications, website, social media, and development efforts. Close collaboration across…
NLIHC seeks a housing advocacy organizer who will be responsible for maintaining and expanding NLIHC membership and mobilizing advocates on federal policy priorities to advance the Coalition’s…
The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) seeks a project coordinator for its ERASE (End Rental Arears to Stop Evictions) project to ensure that the historic emergency rental assistance ($46…