The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking on the Public Charge Rule titled “Public Charge Ground of Inadmissibility.” This is the first of three…
NLIHC signed on to a letter urging HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge to expedite a HUD-wide policy to ensure that all HUD housing programs test for and mitigate radon contamination. Radon is a colorless,…
HUD issued joint Notice PIH 2021-29/H 2021-06 providing supplemental guidance to implement the requirements of the interim final rule titled “Extension of Time and Required Disclosures for…
House Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern (D-MA) held a roundtable on October 13 to examine family budgets and food insecurity in America. This event was the tenth in a series on food insecurity,…
Community Catalyst released an article on October 12 about how ending the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) eviction moratorium has negative impacts on health outcomes. The article…
An article in Cityscape, “Impact of Rental Assistance Demonstration Program Conversions on Public Housing Tenants,” examines short-term tenant outcomes in HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)…
An article in Cityscape examines the role of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) in the conversion of public housing to project-based Section 8 in HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)…
Note: Share of Funds Distributed to Renter Households refers to funding a grantee has expended for financial assistance divided by 90% of the grantee's total allocation to account for…
The Connecticut legislature voted at the end of September to extend Governor Ned Lamont’s pandemic-related emergency powers through February 15, 2022. The governor’s emergency declarations, including…
NLIHC is releasing a new podcast, “The Home Front,” which focuses on housing policy priorities, advocacy by NLIHC and our partners, and other critical topics. Episode one, “Behind the Advocacy,”…
The following are some of the news stories that NLIHC contributed to during the week of October 10:
“When bad weather and bad landlords collide,” The New Republic, October 11 at:…