HUD Revises HUD-VASH Implementation Guidance

HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) published a Federal Register notice on September 27 setting forth policies and procedures for administering the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing…

HUD Extends NSPIRE Physical Inspection Pilot to 2023

HUD published a Federal Register notice on September 28 announcing the extension of the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate and Associated Protocols (NSPIRE) to April 30,…

HUD HOME Program Extends Waiver Deadlines

HUD’s Office of Affordable Housing Programs (OAHP) issued a memorandum on September 27 revising and extending six coronavirus-related waivers for the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) program. The…

Racial Stereotypes Pervade Tenant Screening Processes

An article in American Sociological Review, “Racial Discrimination in Housing: How Landlords Use Algorithms and Home Visits to Screen Tenants,” explores how racial discrimination affects landlord…