HUD’s Interim Final Rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) was published in the Federal Register on June 10. The rule will restore the statutory definition of AFFH and some…
Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Todd Young (R-IN) on June 9 reintroduced the “Family Stability and Opportunity Vouchers Act,” which would create an additional 500,000 housing vouchers…
A working paper from scholars at the University of Chicago and the U.S. Census Bureau, “Learning about homelessness using linked survey and administrative data,” connects multiple large data sources…
A Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta report, “Special Briefing: Despite CDC Moratorium, Atlanta-Area Eviction Filings Hit Low-Income, Minority Neighborhoods,” examines eviction filings in Atlanta…
Affordable housing and homelessness advocates in Nevada secured significant victories in the state legislature during the 2021 session. The new state policies address equitable housing access, expand…
NLIHC seeks a housing advocacy organizer who will be responsible for maintaining and expanding NLIHC membership and mobilizing advocates on federal policy priorities to advance the Coalition’s…
NLIHC is pleased to welcome Sidney Betancourt as a housing advocacy organizer. Sidney will work with the NLIHC field team to expand NLIHC membership and engage advocates on federal policy priorities…
President Joe Biden met last week with Senator Shelly Moore-Capito (R-WV) to continue bipartisan negotiations over the “American Jobs Plan,” the president’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan that…
House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) announced on June 4 several full and subcommittee hearings for the month of June, including a hearing on ending homelessness…
Join today’s (June 7) national HoUSed campaign call from 2:30-4 pm ET. Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) will join the call to discuss the importance of including substantial housing investments…
NLIHC tracks all emergency rental assistance programs and shares best practices to ensure funds are equitably distributed. As of June 2, NLIHC has identified 390 rental assistance programs…