Memo to Members

HUD CPD Issues Sixth Set of CoC and HOPWA Waivers

HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) issued a memorandum on June 30 updating waivers to the Continuum of Care (CoC) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)…

NLIHC Seeks ERASE Project Coordinator

NLIHC seeks a project coordinator for its ERASE (End Rental Arears to Stop Evictions) project to ensure that the historic emergency rental assistance ($46 billion) appropriated by Congress reaches…

NLIHC in the News for the Week of July 4

The following are some of the news stories that NLIHC contributed to during the week of July 4: “Race is on to get rental assistance out to avert evictions,” Associated Press, July 4 at: https://…