The Senate adjourned for recess on October 26 without passing a new coronavirus relief bill. Negotiations between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on a new…
HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) announced that the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program will exclude from income calculations the $400 per week (or, in…
Join Monday’s (November 2) national call on coronavirus, disasters, housing, and homelessness at 2:30-4 pm ET. We will discuss a federal district court judge’s denial of a preliminary injunction of…
During the most recent national call on coronavirus, disasters, housing, and homelessness, we discussed increased eviction filings by corporate landlords, heard about updates to the Framework for an…
Bloomberg CityLab reports on lawsuits seeking to overturn the CDC moratorium. The article notes NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel’s concerns that landlords seeking to pressure or…
The NLIHC-led Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition stands ready to convene and support disaster-impacted communities to ensure that federal disaster recovery efforts reach all impacted households,…
A new interactive dashboard released by UnidosUS in partnership with the Population Reference Bureau provides recent data on the impact of COVID-19 on Latino communities across a range of issues. The…
Research published in Housing Policy Debate, “Investigating Transit-Induced Displacement Using Eviction Data,” finds limited evidence that new transit development increases eviction rates in…
NLIHC could earn a share of a $150,000 grant from cell phone company CREDO Mobile, but the amount depends on your vote! CREDO Mobile’s grant will help NLIHC achieve socially just public policy to…
NLIHC is pleased to welcome Olivia Arena as a housing advocacy organizer on the field team.
Olivia spent the last four years conducting place-based social and economic policy research in the…
NLIHC is accepting applications for our winter/spring research and graphic design/communications internship positions. Interns are highly valued and fully integrated into our staff work. We seek…