Representatives Jesús “Chuy” García (D-IL) and Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA) introduced on December 9 the “Our Homes Our Votes Act,” a bill that facilitates voter registration for residents of…
The Opportunity Starts at Home multisector affordable homes campaign sent a letter on December 16 to Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), urging him…
HUD and 8 other federal agencies published a joint final rule on “Equal Participation of Faith-Based Organizations” (§5.109) on December 17. The drastic changes included in the rule were proposed…
A paper in Housing Policy Debate, “Eviction and Segmented Housing Markets in Richmond, Virginia,” argues that eviction and the threat of eviction play a role in segmenting the housing market and…
A report from the USC Price Sol Center for Social Innovation, “How Do Renters Cope with Unaffordability? Household-Level Impacts of Rental Cost Burdens in Los Angeles,” finds that housing cost-…
Save the dates of March 30-31 for NLIHC’s Virtual Housing Policy Forum 2021: A New Day! The forum will feature keynote speakers and panels on Racial Equity and Housing Justice, Coronavirus and…
NLIHC encourages affordable housing advocates to submit applications or nominations for the 2021 Annual Organizing Awards today! Two awards will be granted for achievements in expanding housing…
The Nashville City Council late Tuesday passed an ordinance protecting tenants whose properties are changing hands or whose leases will not be renewed. Councilmember Burkley Allen sponsored the bill…
Baltimore Renters United (BRU), a coalition of community advocates, campaigned successfully for the passage of Council Bill 20-065, “Right to Counsel in Eviction Cases.” The legislation gives tenants…
NLIHC is accepting applications for our winter/spring graphic design/communications internship position. Interns are highly valued and fully integrated into our staff work. We seek a student…
December 31 is the deadline for NLIHC members and partners to submit nominations (or self-nominate!) to fill upcoming vacancies on the NLIHC board of directors. Nominees for board membership must be…