Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) released national statements this week calling for a moratorium on evictions during the coronavirus pandemic.…
House Financial Services Committee Chair Maxine Waters (D-CA) released the details of her legislative proposal to provide Coronavirus-related assistance on March 18. Chair Waters’ proposal includes…
NLIHC joined a sign-on letter on March 18 urging Congress to incorporate the “Allowing Steady Savings by Eliminating Tests (ASSET) Act” (S.3276/H.R.5848) in the next coronavirus supplemental spending…
President Trump signed into law on March 18 the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act” (H.R.6201), a multibillion-dollar emergency assistance package to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. The…
The Trump administration announced on March 18 that foreclosures and evictions for Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-backed mortgages for single family properties would be suspended for the next…
NLIHC and the National Housing Law Project (NHLP) sent a joint letter to HUD Secretary Ben Carson on March 19 urging HUD to take immediate action to protect tenants and homeowners during and after…
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sent a letter to Congress on March 17 requesting $400 million in additional funding for the HUD’s Emergency Solutions Grants program. The additional funding…
Due to the worsening COVID-19 crisis, President Trump declared a national emergency on March 13. In doing so, the president declared an emergency under two separate laws. The first declaration – made…
HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) invited homeless assistance providers and their partners to participate in an Office Hours session to discuss COVID-19 planning and response…
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs (Multifamily), which oversees contracts with private owners of HUD-assisted properties made updates to its “Questions and Answers for Office of…
HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) issued “COVID-19 FAQs for the Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) – including the Project-based Voucher Program (PBV) – and Native American…
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced on March 13 that the agency will not consider “testing, treatment, nor preventative care (including vaccines, if a vaccine becomes…