Senate Democrats released a proposal on March 11 to address the health and economic needs of individuals and communities impacted by the coronavirus. In addition to funding for emergency unemployment…
A COVID-19 emergency bill passed in the House by a bipartisan vote of 363-40 on the night of March 13. The vote came after a tentative agreement was reached between House Democrats and the…
Congress is about to pass an emergency spending bill that neglects the urgent needs of people experiencing homelessness, a glaring and appalling oversight. People experiencing homelessness are at…
March 16 is the deadline to submit comments opposing HUD Secretary Carson’s proposed changes to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule. HUD’s proposal signals this administration’s…
HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) will conduct a webinar, “Infectious Disease Preparedness for Homeless Assistance Providers and Their Partners,” on Tuesday, March 10 at 3:00…
HUD awarded $5 million to public housing agencies (PHAs) to purchase and install carbon monoxide (CO) detectors in public housing units, the first time it has done so. The source is HUD's Capital…
The House of Representatives passed by voice vote the “Yes In My Backyard (YIMBY) Act” (H.R. 4351) on March 2. NLIHC supports this bill. The bill aims to encourage affordable housing development…
The House Department of Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations held a hearing on March 4 about the HUD budget…
Voters care deeply about solutions to the affordable housing and homelessness crisis in America. National media outlets are shining a spotlight on what 2020 presidential candidates have proposed to…
Join NLIHC for a webinar on “Getting Candidates on the Record” about their affordable housing solutions on March 19 at 3:00 p.m. ET. Register for this webinar and NLIHC’s entire 15-month “Third…
NLIHC’s Housing Policy Forum 2020: Ending Homelessness and Housing Poverty, taking place in Washington, DC, March 25-27 (register here) will feature dozens of sessions with compelling speakers, and…
Register to attend NLIHC's 38th Annual Housing Leadership Awards Reception to celebrate the 2020 Housing Leadership Award Honorees Jennifer Leimaile Ho, Bill Faith and Shauna Sorrells. The reception…