Prosperity Now released its 2020 Scorecard, an advocacy tool that compiles data on financial assets and income, employment, homeownership and housing, health care, and education by state, race, and…
An article in Housing Policy Debate, “Challenges for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects at Year 15 and Beyond in a Weak Housing Market: The Case of Detroit, Michigan,” examines the financial…
The following is a review of additional disaster housing recovery developments since the last edition of Memo to Members and Partners (for the article in the previous Memo, see 01/27…
The “Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief and Puerto Rico Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020” (H.R. 5687) was introduced on January 28 by House Appropriations Committee Chair Nita…
Opposition to HUD’s decision to place severe restrictions on recovery and mitigation funding headed to Puerto Rico (see Memo, 1/27) continues to grow among advocates and some members of Congress. One…
A new report from the Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy at Brandeis University shows that most white children in the U.S. live in neighborhoods of opportunity while most Black and…
NLIHC will offer a podcast on “The Role of Housing Providers in Registering and Mobilizing Voters” on February 20 at 3:00 p.m. ET. Register for this podcast and NLIHC’s entire 15-month “Third…
Two more 2020 presidential candidates—former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg and former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick - released new details on their proposals to address the shortage of…
Make a contribution to NLHC today in recognition of 2020 Housing Leadership Award Honorees Jennifer Leimaile Ho, Bill Faith and Shauna Sorrells. These exceptional leaders will be recognized at…
A session on the “Big Housing Bills” recently introduced in Congress, what’s in them, and how advocates can move them forward will be explored at NLIHC’s Housing Policy Forum 2020: Ending…
Mainstream Voucher Program policies are updated in Notice PIH 2020-01, issued by HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) on January 22. Mainstream Vouchers are tenant-based vouchers that…