Healthy Aging Begins at Home, a report released by the Bipartisan Policy Center, outlines an actionable policy agenda to accommodate America’s older adults. The report breaks down the challenges of…
The National Housing Preservation Database, maintained by NLIHC and the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC), is a tool for advocates to identify federally funded properties at-…
A paper written by Dan Immergluck, Ann Carpenter, and Abram Lueders for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Declines in Low-Cost Rented Housing Units in Eight Large Southeastern Cities, explores the…
Source: Immergluck, D., Carpenter, A. & Lueders, A. (2016.) Declines in Low-Cost Rented Housing Units in Eight Large Southeastern Cities. Atlanta, GA: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Available…
New York University’s Furman Center released its annual report, The State of New York City’s Housing and Neighborhoods in 2015. This year’s report analyzes the effects of gentrification in the city;…
A report released by the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development and the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement titled Asian American & Pacific Islander Anti-…
Source: Austensten, M. et al. (2016). State of New York City’s Housing and Neighborhoods in 2015. New York, NY: NYU Furman Center.
A paper published in Housing Policy Debate by Erin Graves of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston titled “Rooms for Improvement: A Qualitative Metasynthesis of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program…
A report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy titled Lifting the High Energy Burden in America’s Largest Cities: How Energy Efficiency Can Improve Low Income and Underserved…
Source: Drehobl, A., & Ross, L. (2016). Lifting the high energy burden in America’s largest cities: How energy efficiency can improve low income and underserved communities. Washington, D.C.:…
When you read this, I will have spent my last day as a staff member of the National Low Income Housing Coalition. After 17-plus years here and 40 some years at this work, I have retired, at least for…