State Data Overview
Across Minnesota, there is a shortage of rental homes affordable and available to extremely low income households, whose incomes are at or below the poverty guideline or 30% of their area median income. Many of these households are severely cost burdened, spending more than half of their income on housing. Severely cost burdened poor households are more likely than other renters to sacrifice other necessities like healthy food and healthcare to pay the rent, and to experience unstable housing situations like evictions.
KeyFacts165,790Or26%Renter households that are extremely low income-101,209Shortage of rental homes affordable and available for extremely low income renters$34,230Average income limit for 4-person extremely low income household$56,728Annual household income needed to afford a two-bedroom rental home at HUD's Fair Market Rent.69%Percent of extremely low income renter households with severe cost burden -
State Level Partners
NLIHC Housing Advocacy Organizer
Thaddaeus Elliott
202-662-1530 x250 | [email protected]
State PartnersMinnesota Coalition for the Homeless
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 423 St. Paul, MN 55114
Matt Traynor, Interim Executive Director
[email protected]Minnesota Housing Partnership
2446 University Avenue West
Suite 140 Saint Paul, MN 55114
Anne Mavity, Executive Director
Elizabeth Glidden, Deputy Executive Director
[email protected]Libby Murphy, Director of Policy
[email protected]Become an NLIHC State Partner
NLIHC’s affiliation with our state coalition partners is central to our advocacy efforts. Although our partners' involvement varies, they are all housing and homeless advocacy organizations engaged at the state and federal level. Many are traditional coalitions with a range of members; others are local organizations that serve more informally as NLIHC's point of contact.
Inquire about becoming a state partner by contacting [email protected]
Housing Trust FundHTF Implementation Information
NLIHC continues working with leaders in each state and the District of Columbia who will mobilize advocates in support of HTF allocation plans that benefit ELI renters to the greatest extent possible. Please contact the point person coordinating with NLIHC in your state (below) to find out about the public participation process and how you can be involved. Email Thaddaeus Elliott with any questions.
Current Year HTF Allocation$10,497,206
HTF State Resources2019
Draft Action Plan with draft HTF Allocation Plan, pages 71-81 (PDF)
Annual Action Plan with HTF information starting on page 72 (PDF)
Draft 2017 HTF Allocation Plan (PDF)
Comments submitted by Minnesota Housing Partnership (PDF)
Announcement of public comment period and hearing (PDF)
HUD Approved Allocation Plan (PDF)
Draft HTF Allocation Plan by Minnesota Housing Finance Agency dated May 20, 2016 (PDF)
Comment letter submitted by Minnesota Housing Partnership dated June 22 (PDF)
State Designated Entity:Ryan Baumtrog
Assistant Commissioner for Policy and Community Development
Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
Official Directly Involved with HTF Implementation:Jessica Deegan
Director of Federal Affairs
Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
State Entity Webpage
NHTF-related pages
Recent HTF Report (11 MB) -
Housing Profiles
State Housing Profile
State Housing Profile: Minnesota (PDF)
Congressional District Housing Profile
Congressional District Profile: Minnesota (PDF)
Research and Data
National Housing Preservation Database
The National Housing Preservation Database is an address-level inventory of federally assisted rental housing in the United States.
Out of Reach: The High Cost of Housing
Out of Reach documents the gap between renters’ wages and the cost of rental housing. In Minnesota and Nationwide
The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Rental Homes
The Gap represents data on the affordable housing supply and housing cost burdens at the national, state, and metropolitan levels. In Minnesota and Nationwide
Other Links -
Take Action
COVID-19 ResourcesCOVID-19 Resources
Rental Assistance
NLIHC has estimated a need for no less than $100 billion in emergency rental assistance and broke down the need and cost for each state (download Excel spreadsheet).
In response to COVID-19 and its economic fallout, many cities and states are creating or expanding rental assistance programs to support individuals and families impacted by the pandemic, and NLIHC is tracking in-depth information on these programs.
You can use the interactive map and searchable database to find state and local emergency rental assistance programs near you. You can also see the latest news on rental assistance programs through the state-by-state news tracker. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of all rental assistance programs as we continue to update frequently. If you are aware of a program not included in our database, please contact [email protected].
Shelter Closings
Across the country, homeless service providers are struggling to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to follow public health guidelines and help ensure people’s safety, some shelters are being forced to reduce services, restrict admittance, or close entirely. The loss of these critical resources puts people experiencing homelessness at even higher risk of illness. Check NLIHC's cumulative list of shelter closings.
Below is a list of shelters that have had to majorly alter services or completely close:
No information at this time.
State and Local News
As COVID-19-related housing aid comes to an end in Minnesota – and with no increase in shelter space or available affordable housing – advocates are concerned that the Twin Cities will see a significant rise in the number of people experiencing homelessness. Federal housing and homelessness resources, combined with state and federal eviction moratoriums, led to a significant drop in the number of people accessing services from Twin Cities shelters during the pandemic. Those same shelters, however, are starting to see an uptick in need again.
Updated on June 14, 2022
According to the Minnesota Star-Tribune, the number of evictions filed in Minnesota in April 2022 was nearly 60% higher than the pre-pandemic average for that month. Evictions filed in Anoka County in April were twice as high as the pre-pandemic average, and Hennepin and other counties also saw evictions double or almost double. Housing advocates say the rise in filings reflects a need for systemic changes and significant investments in affordable housing.
Housing advocates are calling on Governor Tim Walz and the Minnesota legislature to invest $300 million in emergency rental assistance (ERA) and to continue protecting renters with pending ERA applications from evictions.
Updated on May 23, 2022
Weeks after the federal eviction moratorium ended, Plymouth-based Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners is seeing an increased demand for rental assistance and other financial needs. Officials expect the number of people seeking assistance to continue to rise.
Updated on November 8, 2021
Evictions across Minnesota are increasing as the state’s eviction moratorium bridge gradually eases. A 15-day notice is no longer required before an eviction notice is filed over nonpayment of rent, and lease terminations can occur more easily now. Minnesota tenants can be protected from eviction if they have an active application for emergency rental assistance. To date, RentHelpMN has received nearly 50,000 applications for rental or utility assistance, and about $144 million has been distributed.
Weekly eviction filings have steadily increased across Minnesota since June when the off-ramp began, according to data tracked by Eviction Lab. There were 184 filings in the week ending October 3.
Updated on October 25, 2021
Starting October 12, Minnesotans must apply for emergency rental assistance (ERA) to be protected from eviction. All lease terminations and eviction protections are lifted unless tenants are eligible for rental assistance and file an application. Under the law, tenants with pending ERA applications cannot be evicted for nonpayment until June 1, 2022.
Tenants in need of assistance can apply for aid from RentHelpMN. The Minneapolis City Council has approved legal assistance for low-income residents going through the eviction process. Minnesota Housing has staff available at many courts to help renters prove their application status.
Axios Twin Cities reports another wave of Minnesotans behind on rent could face evictions since starting October 12, landlords can file to evict tenants who are behind on rent but haven’t applied to the state’s rental assistance program. The slow distribution of federal ERA funds is frustrating renters and landlords. As of October 7, Minnesota had distributed ERA for about 30% of the roughly 49,000 applications via the RentHelpMN program.
MinnPost reports that Minnesota state and local governments have released only 13% of the emergency rental assistance (ERA) funds they received in December. Minnesota tenants who are not eligible for ERA or do not have a pending ERA application can be evicted starting October 12.
Updated on September 14, 2021
Minnesota’s eviction moratorium “off-ramp” plan started on July 14, meaning landlords could start filing evictions if tenants violated their lease agreements. Data from the Minnesota Judicial Branch indicates 149 eviction complaints were filed in the first 10 days. Eviction filings continue to increase each week.
Starting this September, 85 AmeriCorps members will join nonprofits and counties across Minnesota to support a new program designed to help people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The Heading Home Corps seeks to support nonprofits with the additional staffing needed to connect Minnesotans to services.
Updated on August 30, 2021Minnesota enacted a law on June 29 to phase out the COVID-19-based eviction moratorium. HOME Line posted a timeline of how the eviction moratorium phaseout will work, along with key facts and a list of frequently asked questions. HOME Line is also hosting a series of webinars on the eviction moratorium phaseout.
Updated on July 26, 2021ABC5 reports that the next phase of Minnesota’s eviction moratorium “off-ramp” could bring more evictions. HOME Line, an organization that provides free legal aid to about 15,000 households across Minnesota each year, notes that the off-ramp is complicated and confusing for both landlords and tenants. The organization is urging renters to apply for aid through RentHelpMN, which has provided 2,800 payments totaling $14 million as of July 8.
Updated on July 22, 2021Minnesota legislators struck a deal on how to phase out Governor Tim Walz’s eviction moratorium. The agreement offers strong tenant protections and clear timelines for landlords to secure emergency rental assistance. Under the agreement, Walz’s moratorium order would be replaced by an “off-ramp” that will conclude 105 days after the bill becomes law. It will require landlords to send a notice to renters with overdue rent 15 days before an eviction. Renters who have claimed but have not yet received state rental assistance will be protected from eviction until June 1, 2022.
A group of Minnesota landlords sued Governor Tim Walz in federal court, alleging the state’s eviction moratorium violates the constitutional rights of renters and landlords. Estimates from a California-based nonprofit show 62,000 households in Minnesota are behind on payments with $207 million in total rent debt.
June 22, 2021
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announced on May 19 that his office has resolved an enforcement action against a landlord who forced her tenants out of their home in violation of the statewide eviction moratorium. The landlord must pay the former tenants $3,500 in part to reimburse the tenants for their out-of-pocket costs in being evicted.
MinnPost reports that lawmakers remain at an impasse over how and when to end Minnesota’s eviction moratorium, with one legislator raising the possibility that no agreement will be reached in time for the mid-June special session.
The Mankato Free Press reports that housing advocates in Minnesota are calling on lawmakers to pass legislation to keep people stably housed as nonprofits work to distribute federal rental assistance. The statewide eviction moratorium remains in place as long as Governor Tim Walz’s state of emergency is in effect. Governor Walz extended the state of emergency into next month, but it is unclear if it will continue beyond June.
The Members of Equity in Place Coalition held a news conference on May 11 raising concerns over the phasing out of Minnesota’s eviction moratorium. The coalition urged that the state eviction moratorium should remain in place until every eligible Minnesotan receives housing assistance.
June 4, 2021MPR reports the Minnesota legislature has vastly different plans for an eviction moratorium “off-ramp.” The House will soon vote on a bill (H.F. 12) to extend limits on evictions for people behind on rent, impose rules around lease non-renewals, and restrict the ability of landlords to raise rents. This legislation differs from a bill (S.F. 1470) passed by the Republican-led Senate that allows evictions after one month for some renters but halts most actions for longer than that.
An op-ed in the Star Tribune urges state legislators to enact an eviction moratorium “off-ramp” that steps back the moratorium with intentionality and sustains the housing stability of renters across Minnesota. The authors say there must be a commitment to protecting all renters, particularly renters of color who are most likely to experience housing instability and loss of their homes through formal or informal eviction.
May 3, 2021
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison on February 17 announced his office is suing a landlord for allegedly evicting tenants illegally during the pandemic. The landlord falsely claimed her relatives would move into the property, which is an exemption to the CDC moratorium, but instead she put it up for sale. “This case should serve as a warning to any landlord even thinking about it: If you falsely claim an exemption applies in an effort to force your tenants out during this emergency, my office will not hesitate to take action against you,” Ellison said in a news release.
Minnesota Housing announced that Minnesota’s new COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program will open in late March.
March 01, 2021
'St. Paul leaders announced they will dismantle eight homeless encampments, citing the risk of fires and exposure to the cold.
January 15, 2021
The Star Tribune reports the number of veterans experiencing homelessness in Minnesota has increased amid the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Andy Garvais, director of veterans’ programs for the Veterans Affairs Department, Minnesota is trying to find approximately 450 housing units for veterans experiencing homelessness.
Novemer 17, 2020
The Star Tribune reports the threatened eviction of approximately 50 people experiencing homelessness from a Bloomington hotel did not occur, but it is unclear how long the guests will be able to continue sheltering at the Extended Stay hotel. Hennepin County announced at the beginning of October plans to purchase the hotel for $13.3 million and convert it to 100 units of protective housing for people experiencing homelessness at risk for COVID-19. Last week, officials reneged on the plan, citing timing constraints due to the Coronavirus Relief Fund’s December 1 deadline.
November 10, 2020
Advocates organized a demonstration in front of Duluth City Hall on October 26, calling for bold local action to protect the lives and dignity of people experiencing homelessness in Duluth.
November 4, 2020
NBC News reports seven people who were evicted from homeless encampments in Minneapolis this year and had their property destroyed filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Minnesota claiming that their constitutional rights were violated. The lawsuit seeks to stop homeless encampment sweeps in the city parks.
October 26, 2020
NBC News examines how racial inequality, stagnant wages, and skyrocketing housing costs have created a significant homelessness crisis in Minneapolis and across the country.
October 19, 2020
As of September 28, more than 33,500 people have been screened for initial eligibility for Minnesota’s $100 million rent and mortgage assistance program, producing 22,000 applications initiated in the system with requests totaling $30.3 million of assistance. Read more data about housing assistance requests here.
An op-ed in the MinnPost examines why it is past time for Minnesota, and our country, to prioritize housing as a foundation for a strong future. The authors discuss the mounting urgency to protect Minnesotans hit hardest by the converging crises of the pandemic and systemic, historic racial injustice.
The city of Bloomington has operated several hotels as non-congregate shelters for medically vulnerable and elderly people who had been living in congregate shelters. Council Member Jenna Carter is calling on the city to maintain its emergency mindset while also developing long-term housing plans for those currently residing in hotels.
October 14, 2020
The MinnPost reports Minnesota’s COVID-19 housing assistance program, funded with $100 million of CARES Act money, has received more than 4,500 completed applications since it launched one month ago. The amount requested in those applications is more than $25 million. There have been more than 19,000 applications started across the state.
Hennepin County and St. Stephen’s Human Services, a nonprofit organization that has operated an emergency shelter in Minneapolis since 1981, have been using several hotels to house people experiencing homelessness during the pandemic. The long-term lease agreements between the county and hotels are funded through the CARES Act.
October 5, 2020
Minnesota’s $100 million COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program launched on August 24 and is currently accepting applications. Learn more about the program here.
September 22, 2020
Hundreds of demonstrators marched in Minneapolis on September 5 calling for the end of park encampment evictions in the city. The demonstrators demanded that the Minneapolis Park Board and city leadership end encampment evictions and called for real affordable housing solutions.
September 15, 2020
The Star Tribune reports that the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office has received 1,235 complaints from tenants since the state’s eviction moratorium was enacted in late March. The complaints often concern landlords attempting to remove tenants for nonpayment of rent, general misinformation about the moratorium, and other landlord violations of the executive order.
September 2, 2020
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan are highlighting state benefits and assistance programs. In addition to the executive order that halted evictions during the peacetime emergency, Walz and Flanagan have also put $100 million in CARES Act funding into housing assistance.
August 11, 2020
Minneapolis organizers have begun to move people residing in the Powderhorn Park encampment to other parks due to size and safety concerns of the Powderhorn encampment. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board on July 15 voted to restrict the growing number of encampments in parks across the city.
July 28, 2020
Governor Tim Walz on July 14 announced a $100 million housing assistance program, which will be funded through the CARES Act. The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency launched a COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program Request for Proposals to select local organizations to administer the rent relief.
An episode of NPR’s “All Things Considered” reported on Powderhorn Park, a Minneapolis encampment that has grown to 550 tents. The leader of Hennepin County’s Office to End Homelessness discussed how the pandemic has strained service providers, and Eric Tars at the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty expressed concern about the rise of homelessness that will likely occur when eviction moratoriums expire.
July 20, 2020
Hundreds of people are now living in an encampment in Minneapolis’ Powderhorn Park. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board served 72-hour eviction notices to people residing in the encampment on June 12, but rescinded the notices when the Minnesota Interagency Council on Homelessness announced that this would violate the governor’s executive order. Hennepin County’s Healthcare for the Homeless team reported that they are trying to connect people in Powderhorn Park and other encampments to housing and shelter, but the system is strained.
July 13, 2020
Minneapolis community activists have turned a former Sheraton hotel into a shelter for people experiencing homelessness who have been displaced by the protests and curfew. Many of the residents came from a nearby encampment that was cleared last Thursday due to its proximity to the protests.
June 12, 2020
The director of the Olmstead County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) announced that it will focus on developing a housing strategy to find permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness. The HRA has been working with local hotels to house veteran, families, and people who are at high-risk of severe illness.
Ramsey County allocated up to $1.8 million on March 17 to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 at local homeless shelters. The county and local nonprofits have partnered to acquire 60 hotel rooms and three meals a day for seniors experiencing homelessness and are working to acquire additional hotel rooms.
Hennepin County and Minnesota health officials have been working to protect people experiencing homelessness by acquiring local hotel rooms for temporary shelter. The effort has reduced crowding by more than 50% at Hennepin County’s largest shelters. The county has spent $4.3 million on the relocation efforts and projects monthly ongoing costs of $1.6 million to continue the program.
More than 300 health care workers, including physicians, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists, and social workers signed a petition urging state and local officials to address the immediate survival needs of people experiencing homelessness. Read the op-ed in the Star Tribune here.
After issuing an executive order on March 25 prohibiting law enforcement from clearing encampments, Governor Tim Walz reversed his position on April 29. Emergency Executive Order 20-47 allows homeless encampments to be swept if they pose health and safety risks.
The Star Tribune examined the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color in Minnesota. State officials acknowledged that COVID-19 was exacerbating existing racial and economic inequities and that Minnesota is working to expand testing capacity.
Several churches in Springfield are opening their buildings as day shelters for people experiencing homelessness throughout May. Visitors will have access to laundry, showers, and shelter. More than 30 organizations have agreed to establish day shelters across Springfield.
The Minnesota Heading Home Alliance released a map estimating the number of isolation and protection beds needed at a county/tribal level using 2019 “point-in-time” unsheltered counts and shelter beds.
County officials across Minnesota are working to move homeless individuals at high risk for COVID into hotels to stop the spread of the disease. Already, Hennepin County has helped move about 260 people into three hotels, and St. Louis County in northern Minnesota is securing another 90 hotel rooms. These efforts have eased dangerous crowding in emergency shelters while preventing a broader outbreak among the homeless.
Service providers and officials in Minnesota are working to increase shelter room and procure hotel rooms for individuals experiencing homelessness. The Minnesota legislature recently approved a $330 million COVID-19 assistance bill which included $26.5 million for homeless services and more.
Minneapolis creates $5 million COVID-19 relief fund to help renters that is available to undocumented residents.
Olmsted County
Olmsted County is preparing 30 single-occupancy rooms to house people experiencing homelessness as the county will close its nightly center in Mayo Civic Center. The county will reserve the thirty rooms for people experiencing homelessness who are “willing to work with county staff to meet established goals.”
June 22, 2020
State Level Guidance
No information at this time.
Eviction Update
Federal, state, and local eviction moratoriums are rapidly expiring and the CARES Act supplemental unemployment benefits will end soon; at that time, millions of low-income renters will be at risk of losing their homes. The NLIHC estimates at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance is needed to keep low-income renters stably housed during and after the pandemic. This tracker links to news reports of the growing evictions crisis in various cities and states. Check NLIHC's cumulative list of eviction updates.
The Minnesota Attorney General’s Office has received 1,235 complaints from tenants since the state’s eviction moratorium went into effect in late March. Complaints have often included landlords trying to remove tenants for unpaid rent, tenants being told to leave after a lease had ended even though they can’t move anywhere, and general misinformation given about how the moratorium works — all violations of the executive order.
August 28, 2020
The Governor's executive order is in place until the end of the peacetime emergency, which is currently scheduled for Aug 12. Evictions cannot be filed against tenants in nonpayment, remaining after the lease has ended, or breaking the terms of your lease; but they can be filed in emergencies (harm is being done to others).
August 1, 2020
In the third week of July, 18.5% of adults in Minnesota reported they had missed their previous housing payment or had little confidence they would make their next one on time, according to a weekly survey conducted by the Census. In the same survey, 98,286 renters reported they had not paid their previous rental payment.
Based on current projections, 133,000 evictions could be filed in the next four months, thirteen times more than in a typical year.
July 29, 2020
According to a weekly Census survey, 93,758 renters in Minnesota reported they had not paid their June rent, with an additional 2,189 reporting they had deferred their June rent payment. In response to the growing crisis, the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board is considering terminating Minneapolis parks as a refuge space, limiting the protections to only 10 parks with 10 encampments per park.
July 16, 2020
COVID-19 Resources OtherNational Media
What to Know About Housing and Rent During the COVID-19 Emergency? https://tinyurl.com/y74ox85d
Arbor Realty Trust launched an innovative $2 million rental assistance program to help thousands of tenants and families significantly impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. Arbor is contributing $1 million to the program and participating borrowers will match Arbor's advances to its tenants in need to help fill the rent gap during the hard-hit months of May and June. Together, the partnership program will provide $2 million in relief. https://tinyurl.com/y9r6x9vb