


State Facts

Minimum Wage $7.25
2-Bedroom Housing Wage $26.26
Number of Renter Households 1,600,237
Number of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 30% AMI
Number of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI
Percent of Renter Households
Below 50% AMI

Affordable Rent for Low Income Households

Minimum Wage Worker


Household at 30% of Area Median Income


Household at 50% of Area Median Income


Fair Market Rent

1-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


2-Bedroom Fair Market Rent


Working at minimum wage $7.25/hr

Each week you have to work 119 hours

To afford a modest 1 bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent

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Compare Jurisdictions

Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Non-metropolitan areas Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton HMFA Altoona MSA Armstrong County HMFA Chambersburg-Waynesboro MSA Columbia County HMFA East Stroudsburg MSA Erie MSA Gettysburg MSA Harrisburg-Carlisle MSA Johnstown MSA Lancaster MSA Lebanon MSA Montour County HMFA Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington MSA Pike County HMFA Pittsburgh HMFA Reading MSA Scranton--Wilkes-Barre MSA Sharon HMFA State College MSA Williamsport MSA York-Hanover MSA Adams County Allegheny County Armstrong County Beaver County Bedford County Berks County Blair County Bradford County Bucks County Butler County Cambria County Cameron County Carbon County Centre County Chester County Clarion County Clearfield County Clinton County Columbia County Crawford County Cumberland County Dauphin County Delaware County Elk County Erie County Fayette County Forest County Franklin County Fulton County Greene County Huntingdon County Indiana County Jefferson County Juniata County Lackawanna County Lancaster County Lawrence County Lebanon County Lehigh County Luzerne County Lycoming County McKean County Mercer County Mifflin County Monroe County Montgomery County Montour County Northampton County Northumberland County Perry County Philadelphia County Pike County Potter County Schuylkill County Snyder County Somerset County Sullivan County Susquehanna County Tioga County Union County Venango County Warren County Washington County Wayne County Westmoreland County Wyoming County York County
Number of Households
Total 5,193,727 572,453 289,206 50,587 27,767 62,576 25,878 59,113 109,474 40,006 240,026 55,541 208,988 55,236 7,633 1,652,098 23,780 992,476 161,174 231,292 45,890 58,285 45,705 178,543 40,006 545,637 27,767 71,999 19,571 161,174 50,587 24,361 246,834 79,466 55,541 2,210 26,662 58,285 200,622 14,808 31,741 14,877 25,878 33,191 104,053 117,907 215,833 13,485 109,474 54,937 1,844 62,576 6,126 13,957 15,771 32,285 18,018 8,852 87,896 208,988 35,933 55,236 142,160 132,608 45,705 15,931 45,890 18,612 59,113 329,680 7,633 120,384 37,775 18,066 659,129 23,780 6,595 56,987 14,430 28,956 2,462 15,641 16,583 14,172 21,323 16,209 87,200 19,747 153,237 10,788 178,543
Renter 1,600,237 138,669 91,342 13,916 5,957 16,945 7,565 12,589 35,065 8,742 77,726 13,453 62,803 15,717 2,324 580,578 3,721 298,025 47,009 76,197 12,683 21,825 13,764 43,622 8,742 190,681 5,957 19,006 4,136 47,009 13,916 6,713 54,368 18,946 13,453 633 6,647 21,825 50,869 4,224 7,046 4,255 7,565 8,706 31,009 43,225 67,184 2,819 35,065 14,567 308 16,945 1,406 2,998 3,388 9,217 4,552 2,386 30,420 62,803 9,148 15,717 49,686 43,342 13,764 3,595 12,683 5,304 12,589 93,177 2,324 35,009 9,900 3,492 314,980 3,721 1,316 13,373 3,543 5,583 381 3,357 3,917 4,016 5,299 3,585 20,946 3,565 33,879 2,435 43,622
Percent Renters 31% 24% 32% 28% 21% 27% 29% 21% 32% 22% 32% 24% 30% 28% 30% 35% 16% 30% 29% 33% 28% 37% 30% 24% 22% 35% 21% 26% 21% 29% 28% 28% 22% 24% 24% 29% 25% 37% 25% 29% 22% 29% 29% 26% 30% 37% 31% 21% 32% 27% 17% 27% 23% 21% 21% 29% 25% 27% 35% 30% 25% 28% 35% 33% 30% 23% 28% 28% 21% 28% 30% 29% 26% 19% 48% 16% 20% 23% 25% 19% 15% 21% 24% 28% 25% 22% 24% 18% 22% 23% 24%
Housing Wage
Zero-Bedroom $19.51 $12.32 $18.69 $12.94 $12.17 $17.58 $13.87 $21.37 $13.96 $15.98 $16.85 $13.04 $18.04 $17.23 $15.08 $25.06 $23.98 $17.63 $17.21 $14.04 $12.62 $21.58 $14.54 $16.56 $15.98 $17.63 $12.17 $17.63 $11.69 $17.21 $12.94 $14.19 $25.06 $17.63 $13.04 $11.85 $18.69 $21.58 $25.06 $13.48 $11.81 $13.15 $13.87 $12.13 $16.85 $16.85 $25.06 $11.85 $13.96 $17.63 $13.75 $17.58 $11.85 $13.33 $12.54 $12.06 $11.02 $11.40 $14.04 $18.04 $11.35 $17.23 $18.69 $14.04 $14.54 $11.85 $12.62 $12.02 $21.37 $25.06 $15.08 $18.69 $11.69 $16.85 $25.06 $23.98 $11.85 $12.75 $12.69 $14.00 $11.85 $12.85 $11.21 $12.42 $11.02 $13.12 $17.63 $13.69 $17.63 $14.04 $16.56
One-Bedroom $21.58 $13.36 $21.87 $15.98 $13.67 $17.69 $16.88 $21.52 $14.56 $19.17 $19.63 $13.12 $20.40 $18.29 $17.60 $27.90 $24.13 $18.56 $20.02 $16.42 $12.71 $21.79 $17.35 $18.29 $19.17 $18.56 $13.67 $18.56 $12.37 $20.02 $15.98 $14.29 $27.90 $18.56 $13.12 $12.37 $21.87 $21.79 $27.90 $13.56 $13.10 $13.56 $16.88 $12.52 $19.63 $19.63 $27.90 $13.88 $14.56 $18.56 $14.35 $17.69 $13.21 $13.40 $13.15 $14.25 $12.63 $12.44 $16.42 $20.40 $12.75 $18.29 $21.87 $16.42 $17.35 $12.96 $12.71 $13.17 $21.52 $27.90 $17.60 $21.87 $13.23 $19.63 $27.90 $24.13 $12.37 $12.75 $15.13 $14.08 $13.40 $13.52 $12.65 $15.15 $12.46 $13.19 $18.56 $16.35 $18.56 $16.42 $18.29
Two-Bedroom $26.26 $16.59 $27.42 $19.10 $17.96 $22.12 $20.46 $28.27 $18.90 $23.58 $24.48 $16.60 $25.63 $23.56 $20.71 $33.40 $31.71 $22.33 $25.38 $19.98 $16.25 $25.33 $20.81 $23.02 $23.58 $22.33 $17.96 $22.33 $16.25 $25.38 $19.10 $16.96 $33.40 $22.33 $16.60 $16.25 $27.42 $25.33 $33.40 $16.25 $16.25 $17.52 $20.46 $16.25 $24.48 $24.48 $33.40 $16.25 $18.90 $22.33 $18.85 $22.12 $16.25 $16.94 $16.25 $16.52 $16.25 $16.25 $19.98 $25.63 $16.75 $23.56 $27.42 $19.98 $20.81 $16.25 $16.25 $16.35 $28.27 $33.40 $20.71 $27.42 $16.25 $24.48 $33.40 $31.71 $16.25 $16.50 $17.19 $16.25 $16.25 $17.62 $16.54 $17.02 $16.25 $16.25 $22.33 $19.19 $22.33 $19.98 $23.02
Three-Bedroom $32.76 $21.51 $35.02 $23.69 $22.37 $29.40 $24.75 $38.23 $23.60 $31.15 $31.42 $21.83 $33.17 $29.73 $29.19 $40.38 $40.46 $28.35 $31.71 $25.83 $22.08 $30.63 $26.85 $30.67 $31.15 $28.35 $22.37 $28.35 $20.60 $31.71 $23.69 $21.92 $40.38 $28.35 $21.83 $19.65 $35.02 $30.63 $40.38 $20.15 $22.12 $21.96 $24.75 $20.83 $31.42 $31.42 $40.38 $21.79 $23.60 $28.35 $22.79 $29.40 $20.46 $20.48 $20.81 $21.85 $20.04 $20.79 $25.83 $33.17 $23.23 $29.73 $35.02 $25.83 $26.85 $20.63 $22.08 $21.60 $38.23 $40.38 $29.19 $35.02 $19.88 $31.42 $40.38 $40.46 $20.35 $21.71 $22.15 $22.27 $22.90 $22.56 $21.48 $23.98 $20.52 $21.27 $28.35 $23.42 $28.35 $25.83 $30.67
Four-Bedroom $36.52 $24.58 $36.54 $27.04 $27.58 $33.06 $28.13 $45.69 $25.87 $33.94 $32.60 $24.54 $34.13 $31.37 $35.15 $46.58 $52.13 $30.87 $33.81 $28.15 $23.71 $33.73 $29.98 $32.06 $33.94 $30.87 $27.58 $30.87 $24.10 $33.81 $27.04 $25.77 $46.58 $30.87 $24.54 $23.88 $36.54 $33.73 $46.58 $27.58 $22.88 $29.73 $28.13 $24.50 $32.60 $32.60 $46.58 $23.08 $25.87 $30.87 $27.69 $33.06 $27.58 $22.92 $25.35 $23.90 $21.75 $24.23 $28.15 $34.13 $26.65 $31.37 $36.54 $28.15 $29.98 $24.06 $23.71 $24.29 $45.69 $46.58 $35.15 $36.54 $21.63 $32.60 $46.58 $52.13 $23.54 $23.13 $25.12 $23.75 $27.46 $23.96 $22.71 $28.88 $23.69 $23.88 $30.87 $32.58 $30.87 $28.15 $32.06
Fair Market Rent
Zero-Bedroom $1,014 $641 $972 $673 $633 $914 $721 $1,111 $726 $831 $876 $678 $938 $896 $784 $1,303 $1,247 $917 $895 $730 $656 $1,122 $756 $861 $831 $917 $633 $917 $608 $895 $673 $738 $1,303 $917 $678 $616 $972 $1,122 $1,303 $701 $614 $684 $721 $631 $876 $876 $1,303 $616 $726 $917 $715 $914 $616 $693 $652 $627 $573 $593 $730 $938 $590 $896 $972 $730 $756 $616 $656 $625 $1,111 $1,303 $784 $972 $608 $876 $1,303 $1,247 $616 $663 $660 $728 $616 $668 $583 $646 $573 $682 $917 $712 $917 $730 $861
One-Bedroom $1,122 $695 $1,137 $831 $711 $920 $878 $1,119 $757 $997 $1,021 $682 $1,061 $951 $915 $1,451 $1,255 $965 $1,041 $854 $661 $1,133 $902 $951 $997 $965 $711 $965 $643 $1,041 $831 $743 $1,451 $965 $682 $643 $1,137 $1,133 $1,451 $705 $681 $705 $878 $651 $1,021 $1,021 $1,451 $722 $757 $965 $746 $920 $687 $697 $684 $741 $657 $647 $854 $1,061 $663 $951 $1,137 $854 $902 $674 $661 $685 $1,119 $1,451 $915 $1,137 $688 $1,021 $1,451 $1,255 $643 $663 $787 $732 $697 $703 $658 $788 $648 $686 $965 $850 $965 $854 $951
Two-Bedroom $1,365 $862 $1,426 $993 $934 $1,150 $1,064 $1,470 $983 $1,226 $1,273 $863 $1,333 $1,225 $1,077 $1,737 $1,649 $1,161 $1,320 $1,039 $845 $1,317 $1,082 $1,197 $1,226 $1,161 $934 $1,161 $845 $1,320 $993 $882 $1,737 $1,161 $863 $845 $1,426 $1,317 $1,737 $845 $845 $911 $1,064 $845 $1,273 $1,273 $1,737 $845 $983 $1,161 $980 $1,150 $845 $881 $845 $859 $845 $845 $1,039 $1,333 $871 $1,225 $1,426 $1,039 $1,082 $845 $845 $850 $1,470 $1,737 $1,077 $1,426 $845 $1,273 $1,737 $1,649 $845 $858 $894 $845 $845 $916 $860 $885 $845 $845 $1,161 $998 $1,161 $1,039 $1,197
Three-Bedroom $1,704 $1,119 $1,821 $1,232 $1,163 $1,529 $1,287 $1,988 $1,227 $1,620 $1,634 $1,135 $1,725 $1,546 $1,518 $2,100 $2,104 $1,474 $1,649 $1,343 $1,148 $1,593 $1,396 $1,595 $1,620 $1,474 $1,163 $1,474 $1,071 $1,649 $1,232 $1,140 $2,100 $1,474 $1,135 $1,022 $1,821 $1,593 $2,100 $1,048 $1,150 $1,142 $1,287 $1,083 $1,634 $1,634 $2,100 $1,133 $1,227 $1,474 $1,185 $1,529 $1,064 $1,065 $1,082 $1,136 $1,042 $1,081 $1,343 $1,725 $1,208 $1,546 $1,821 $1,343 $1,396 $1,073 $1,148 $1,123 $1,988 $2,100 $1,518 $1,821 $1,034 $1,634 $2,100 $2,104 $1,058 $1,129 $1,152 $1,158 $1,191 $1,173 $1,117 $1,247 $1,067 $1,106 $1,474 $1,218 $1,474 $1,343 $1,595
Four-Bedroom $1,899 $1,278 $1,900 $1,406 $1,434 $1,719 $1,463 $2,376 $1,345 $1,765 $1,695 $1,276 $1,775 $1,631 $1,828 $2,422 $2,711 $1,605 $1,758 $1,464 $1,233 $1,754 $1,559 $1,667 $1,765 $1,605 $1,434 $1,605 $1,253 $1,758 $1,406 $1,340 $2,422 $1,605 $1,276 $1,242 $1,900 $1,754 $2,422 $1,434 $1,190 $1,546 $1,463 $1,274 $1,695 $1,695 $2,422 $1,200 $1,345 $1,605 $1,440 $1,719 $1,434 $1,192 $1,318 $1,243 $1,131 $1,260 $1,464 $1,775 $1,386 $1,631 $1,900 $1,464 $1,559 $1,251 $1,233 $1,263 $2,376 $2,422 $1,828 $1,900 $1,125 $1,695 $2,422 $2,711 $1,224 $1,203 $1,306 $1,235 $1,428 $1,246 $1,181 $1,502 $1,232 $1,242 $1,605 $1,694 $1,605 $1,464 $1,667
Annual Income Needed to Afford
Zero-Bedroom $40,578 $25,633 $38,880 $26,920 $25,320 $36,560 $28,840 $44,440 $29,040 $33,240 $35,040 $27,120 $37,520 $35,840 $31,360 $52,120 $49,880 $36,680 $35,800 $29,200 $26,240 $44,880 $30,240 $34,440 $33,240 $36,680 $25,320 $36,680 $24,320 $35,800 $26,920 $29,520 $52,120 $36,680 $27,120 $24,640 $38,880 $44,880 $52,120 $28,040 $24,560 $27,360 $28,840 $25,240 $35,040 $35,040 $52,120 $24,640 $29,040 $36,680 $28,600 $36,560 $24,640 $27,720 $26,080 $25,080 $22,920 $23,720 $29,200 $37,520 $23,600 $35,840 $38,880 $29,200 $30,240 $24,640 $26,240 $25,000 $44,440 $52,120 $31,360 $38,880 $24,320 $35,040 $52,120 $49,880 $24,640 $26,520 $26,400 $29,120 $24,640 $26,720 $23,320 $25,840 $22,920 $27,280 $36,680 $28,480 $36,680 $29,200 $34,440
One-Bedroom $44,881 $27,782 $45,480 $33,240 $28,440 $36,800 $35,120 $44,760 $30,280 $39,880 $40,840 $27,280 $42,440 $38,040 $36,600 $58,040 $50,200 $38,600 $41,640 $34,160 $26,440 $45,320 $36,080 $38,040 $39,880 $38,600 $28,440 $38,600 $25,720 $41,640 $33,240 $29,720 $58,040 $38,600 $27,280 $25,720 $45,480 $45,320 $58,040 $28,200 $27,240 $28,200 $35,120 $26,040 $40,840 $40,840 $58,040 $28,880 $30,280 $38,600 $29,840 $36,800 $27,480 $27,880 $27,360 $29,640 $26,280 $25,880 $34,160 $42,440 $26,520 $38,040 $45,480 $34,160 $36,080 $26,960 $26,440 $27,400 $44,760 $58,040 $36,600 $45,480 $27,520 $40,840 $58,040 $50,200 $25,720 $26,520 $31,480 $29,280 $27,880 $28,120 $26,320 $31,520 $25,920 $27,440 $38,600 $34,000 $38,600 $34,160 $38,040
Two-Bedroom $54,614 $34,499 $57,040 $39,720 $37,360 $46,000 $42,560 $58,800 $39,320 $49,040 $50,920 $34,520 $53,320 $49,000 $43,080 $69,480 $65,960 $46,440 $52,800 $41,560 $33,800 $52,680 $43,280 $47,880 $49,040 $46,440 $37,360 $46,440 $33,800 $52,800 $39,720 $35,280 $69,480 $46,440 $34,520 $33,800 $57,040 $52,680 $69,480 $33,800 $33,800 $36,440 $42,560 $33,800 $50,920 $50,920 $69,480 $33,800 $39,320 $46,440 $39,200 $46,000 $33,800 $35,240 $33,800 $34,360 $33,800 $33,800 $41,560 $53,320 $34,840 $49,000 $57,040 $41,560 $43,280 $33,800 $33,800 $34,000 $58,800 $69,480 $43,080 $57,040 $33,800 $50,920 $69,480 $65,960 $33,800 $34,320 $35,760 $33,800 $33,800 $36,640 $34,400 $35,400 $33,800 $33,800 $46,440 $39,920 $46,440 $41,560 $47,880
Three-Bedroom $68,143 $44,748 $72,840 $49,280 $46,520 $61,160 $51,480 $79,520 $49,080 $64,800 $65,360 $45,400 $69,000 $61,840 $60,720 $84,000 $84,160 $58,960 $65,960 $53,720 $45,920 $63,720 $55,840 $63,800 $64,800 $58,960 $46,520 $58,960 $42,840 $65,960 $49,280 $45,600 $84,000 $58,960 $45,400 $40,880 $72,840 $63,720 $84,000 $41,920 $46,000 $45,680 $51,480 $43,320 $65,360 $65,360 $84,000 $45,320 $49,080 $58,960 $47,400 $61,160 $42,560 $42,600 $43,280 $45,440 $41,680 $43,240 $53,720 $69,000 $48,320 $61,840 $72,840 $53,720 $55,840 $42,920 $45,920 $44,920 $79,520 $84,000 $60,720 $72,840 $41,360 $65,360 $84,000 $84,160 $42,320 $45,160 $46,080 $46,320 $47,640 $46,920 $44,680 $49,880 $42,680 $44,240 $58,960 $48,720 $58,960 $53,720 $63,800
Four-Bedroom $75,956 $51,117 $76,000 $56,240 $57,360 $68,760 $58,520 $95,040 $53,800 $70,600 $67,800 $51,040 $71,000 $65,240 $73,120 $96,880 $108,440 $64,200 $70,320 $58,560 $49,320 $70,160 $62,360 $66,680 $70,600 $64,200 $57,360 $64,200 $50,120 $70,320 $56,240 $53,600 $96,880 $64,200 $51,040 $49,680 $76,000 $70,160 $96,880 $57,360 $47,600 $61,840 $58,520 $50,960 $67,800 $67,800 $96,880 $48,000 $53,800 $64,200 $57,600 $68,760 $57,360 $47,680 $52,720 $49,720 $45,240 $50,400 $58,560 $71,000 $55,440 $65,240 $76,000 $58,560 $62,360 $50,040 $49,320 $50,520 $95,040 $96,880 $73,120 $76,000 $45,000 $67,800 $96,880 $108,440 $48,960 $48,120 $52,240 $49,400 $57,120 $49,840 $47,240 $60,080 $49,280 $49,680 $64,200 $67,760 $64,200 $58,560 $66,680
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25
Rent Affordable for a Full-Time Worker at Minimum Wage $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377 $377
Work Hours/Week at Minimum Wage
Zero-Bedroom 108 68 103 71 67 97 76 118 77 88 93 72 100 95 83 138 132 97 95 77 70 119 80 91 88 97 67 97 65 95 71 78 138 97 72 65 103 119 138 74 65 73 76 67 93 93 138 65 77 97 76 97 65 74 69 67 61 63 77 100 63 95 103 77 80 65 70 66 118 138 83 103 65 93 138 132 65 70 70 77 65 71 62 69 61 72 97 76 97 77 91
One-Bedroom 119 74 121 88 75 98 93 119 80 106 108 72 113 101 97 154 133 102 110 91 70 120 96 101 106 102 75 102 68 110 88 79 154 102 72 68 121 120 154 75 72 75 93 69 108 108 154 77 80 102 79 98 73 74 73 79 70 69 91 113 70 101 121 91 96 72 70 73 119 154 97 121 73 108 154 133 68 70 84 78 74 75 70 84 69 73 102 90 102 91 101
Two-Bedroom 145 92 151 105 99 122 113 156 104 130 135 92 141 130 114 184 175 123 140 110 90 140 115 127 130 123 99 123 90 140 105 94 184 123 92 90 151 140 184 90 90 97 113 90 135 135 184 90 104 123 104 122 90 93 90 91 90 90 110 141 92 130 151 110 115 90 90 90 156 184 114 151 90 135 184 175 90 91 95 90 90 97 91 94 90 90 123 106 123 110 127
Three-Bedroom 181 119 193 131 123 162 137 211 130 172 173 120 183 164 161 223 223 156 175 142 122 169 148 169 172 156 123 156 114 175 131 121 223 156 120 108 193 169 223 111 122 121 137 115 173 173 223 120 130 156 126 162 113 113 115 121 111 115 142 183 128 164 193 142 148 114 122 119 211 223 161 193 110 173 223 223 112 120 122 123 126 124 119 132 113 117 156 129 156 142 169
Four-Bedroom 201 136 202 149 152 182 155 252 143 187 180 135 188 173 194 257 288 170 187 155 131 186 165 177 187 170 152 170 133 187 149 142 257 170 135 132 202 186 257 152 126 164 155 135 180 180 257 127 143 170 153 182 152 126 140 132 120 134 155 188 147 173 202 155 165 133 131 134 252 257 194 202 119 180 257 288 130 128 139 131 152 132 125 159 131 132 170 180 170 155 177
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Payment
SSI Monthly Payment $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965 $965
Rent affordable to SSI recipient $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290 $290
Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $30,151 $23,801 $29,490 $26,070 $23,850 $27,810 $24,360 $31,050 $24,150 $29,070 $29,370 $22,950 $32,010 $26,730 $27,720 $34,410 $28,800 $30,360 $28,110 $24,900 $23,640 $32,460 $25,980 $31,530 $29,070 $30,360 $23,850 $30,360 $23,940 $28,110 $26,070 $24,300 $34,410 $30,360 $22,950 $18,180 $29,490 $32,460 $34,410 $24,360 $22,620 $23,070 $24,360 $21,720 $29,370 $29,370 $34,410 $25,800 $24,150 $30,360 $18,600 $27,810 $24,780 $26,970 $24,450 $24,120 $22,230 $25,020 $24,900 $32,010 $24,660 $26,730 $29,490 $24,900 $25,980 $23,220 $23,640 $21,540 $31,050 $34,410 $27,720 $29,490 $24,750 $29,370 $34,410 $28,800 $22,380 $23,880 $24,480 $22,110 $25,530 $25,320 $23,280 $28,380 $23,130 $23,490 $30,360 $23,790 $30,360 $24,900 $31,530
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $50,252 $39,668 $49,150 $43,450 $39,750 $46,350 $40,600 $51,750 $40,250 $48,450 $48,950 $38,250 $53,350 $44,550 $46,200 $57,350 $48,000 $50,600 $46,850 $41,500 $39,400 $54,100 $43,300 $52,550 $48,450 $50,600 $39,750 $50,600 $39,900 $46,850 $43,450 $40,500 $57,350 $50,600 $38,250 $30,300 $49,150 $54,100 $57,350 $40,600 $37,700 $38,450 $40,600 $36,200 $48,950 $48,950 $57,350 $43,000 $40,250 $50,600 $31,000 $46,350 $41,300 $44,950 $40,750 $40,200 $37,050 $41,700 $41,500 $53,350 $41,100 $44,550 $49,150 $41,500 $43,300 $38,700 $39,400 $35,900 $51,750 $57,350 $46,200 $49,150 $41,250 $48,950 $57,350 $48,000 $37,300 $39,800 $40,800 $36,850 $42,550 $42,200 $38,800 $47,300 $38,550 $39,150 $50,600 $39,650 $50,600 $41,500 $52,550
Median Renter Household Income $47,299 $36,091 $48,393 $35,584 $39,118 $49,148 $38,035 $51,162 $32,706 $49,599 $52,277 $30,304 $56,677 $47,465 $38,733 $53,610 $51,169 $43,631 $45,812 $39,061 $30,672 $37,929 $39,799 $48,425 $49,599 $45,337 $39,118 $39,090 $31,353 $45,812 $35,584 $42,811 $60,755 $48,510 $30,304 $26,254 $43,945 $37,929 $70,433 $34,000 $32,645 $36,215 $38,035 $36,152 $57,226 $49,549 $50,464 $29,725 $32,706 $31,377 $32,776 $49,148 $43,840 $40,008 $36,498 $33,966 $34,905 $42,470 $40,089 $56,677 $31,130 $47,465 $47,869 $37,845 $39,799 $30,889 $30,672 $38,454 $51,162 $66,855 $38,733 $49,980 $33,543 $42,099 $46,413 $51,169 $39,633 $38,473 $46,260 $36,845 $31,521 $39,715 $33,378 $39,816 $33,960 $38,181 $45,148 $37,922 $38,181 $47,854 $48,425
Rent Affordable at Different Income Levels
30% of Area Median Income (AMI) $754 $595 $737 $652 $596 $695 $609 $776 $604 $727 $734 $574 $800 $668 $693 $860 $720 $759 $703 $623 $591 $812 $650 $788 $727 $759 $596 $759 $599 $703 $652 $608 $860 $759 $574 $455 $737 $812 $860 $609 $566 $577 $609 $543 $734 $734 $860 $645 $604 $759 $465 $695 $620 $674 $611 $603 $556 $626 $623 $800 $617 $668 $737 $623 $650 $581 $591 $539 $776 $860 $693 $737 $619 $734 $860 $720 $560 $597 $612 $553 $638 $633 $582 $710 $578 $587 $759 $595 $759 $623 $788
50% of Area Median Income (AMI) $1,256 $992 $1,229 $1,086 $994 $1,159 $1,015 $1,294 $1,006 $1,211 $1,224 $956 $1,334 $1,114 $1,155 $1,434 $1,200 $1,265 $1,171 $1,038 $985 $1,353 $1,083 $1,314 $1,211 $1,265 $994 $1,265 $998 $1,171 $1,086 $1,013 $1,434 $1,265 $956 $758 $1,229 $1,353 $1,434 $1,015 $943 $961 $1,015 $905 $1,224 $1,224 $1,434 $1,075 $1,006 $1,265 $775 $1,159 $1,033 $1,124 $1,019 $1,005 $926 $1,043 $1,038 $1,334 $1,028 $1,114 $1,229 $1,038 $1,083 $968 $985 $898 $1,294 $1,434 $1,155 $1,229 $1,031 $1,224 $1,434 $1,200 $933 $995 $1,020 $921 $1,064 $1,055 $970 $1,183 $964 $979 $1,265 $991 $1,265 $1,038 $1,314
Median Renter Household Income $1,182 $902 $1,210 $890 $978 $1,229 $951 $1,279 $818 $1,240 $1,307 $758 $1,417 $1,187 $968 $1,340 $1,279 $1,091 $1,145 $977 $767 $948 $995 $1,211 $1,240 $1,133 $978 $977 $784 $1,145 $890 $1,070 $1,519 $1,213 $758 $656 $1,099 $948 $1,761 $850 $816 $905 $951 $904 $1,431 $1,239 $1,262 $743 $818 $784 $819 $1,229 $1,096 $1,000 $912 $849 $873 $1,062 $1,002 $1,417 $778 $1,187 $1,197 $946 $995 $772 $767 $961 $1,279 $1,671 $968 $1,250 $839 $1,052 $1,160 $1,279 $991 $962 $1,156 $921 $788 $993 $834 $995 $849 $955 $1,129 $948 $955 $1,196 $1,211

Median Wages for State’s Most Common Occupations

Occupation Total Employment Median Hourly Wage
Fast Food and Counter Workers 139,950 $13.69
Cashiers 125,990 $13.77
Home Health and Personal Care Aides 213,020 $14.28
Waiters and Waitresses 81,500 $14.63
Retail Salespersons 134,160 $14.86
Cooks, Restaurant 54,980 $15.87
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 89,500 $17.14
Stockers and Order Fillers 104,930 $17.58
Security Guards 43,440 $17.74
First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 41,340 $18.74
Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 58,310 $18.91
Nursing Assistants 65,220 $18.98
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 150,470 $19.30
Light Truck Drivers 42,570 $19.38
Office Clerks, General 122,170 $20.09
Customer Service Representatives 112,850 $20.49
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 81,320 $20.69
One-Bedroom Housing Wage $21.58
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 56,850 $22.64
Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators 44,430 $22.76
First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 43,990 $22.80
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 60,440 $23.24
All Occupations 5,948,490 $23.37
Construction Laborers 39,370 $23.55
Two-bedrooom Housing Wage $26.26
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers 89,920 $27.50
Human Resources Specialists 39,570 $30.37
First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 67,840 $30.46
Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products 56,930 $36.93
Accountants and Auditors 54,540 $37.12
Registered Nurses 144,100 $40.77
General and Operations Managers 145,770 $48.83
Software Developers 41,300 $55.11