NLIHC has updated its database of multifamily and affordable housing properties covered by the “CARES Act.” The Act included a permanent requirement that landlords of federally supported rental…
Updates on NLIHC Resources
NLIHC has updated two resources on the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) program:
Overview of the Coronavirus SLFRF Program
State and Local…
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
The National Advisory Council’s December 2021 “Report to the FEMA Administrator” offers recommendations to support FEMA’s efforts to enhance and strengthen…
The Opportunity Starts at Home (OSAH) campaign sent a letter to congressional leaders on January 27 urging that robust investments in housing vouchers, public housing, and the national Housing Trust…
A study published in Housing Policy Debate by Cody Price and Katherine Fallon surveyed Ohio Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) tenants to understand how building design affects LIHTC tenants’…
The American Journal of Preventive Medicine published a new article, “Eviction, Healthcare Utilization, and Disenrollment Among New York City Medicaid Patients,” finding that evicted healthcare…
Source: Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, “America's Rental Housing 2022,” January 2022. Data sourced from 2019 American Housing Survey.
Note: Physical problems include…
Oregon Governor Kate Brown released a proposal that would invest $400 million from the state’s General Fund in affordable housing and homelessness programs. More than 80% of these resources would be…
NLIHC’s Virtual Housing Policy Forum 2022: Achieving Housing Justice – taking place from 12:30 to 5:30 pm ET on March 22 and 1 to 5:30 pm ET on March 23 – will feature an array of compelling speakers…
Join us in celebrating Representative Ritchie Torres, Ann O’Hara, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus – NLIHC’s 2022 Housing Leadership Awards honorees – for their outstanding contributions to…
NLIHC seeks a housing policy analyst/senior housing policy analyst (depending on the experience/expertise of the candidate) whose primary responsibility entails identifying, analyzing, advocating,…
NLIHC seeks a development coordinator who will have prime responsibility for a portfolio of development/fundraising activities for the Coalition. The activities, along with those of a second…