A new report on evictions in Oregon, “Oregon’s Safe Harbor for Tenants: Rocky Shoals in Eviction Diversion,” evaluates the effectiveness of the state’s recent safe harbor policy. This policy delays…
The Opportunity Starts at Home (OSAH) multi-sector affordable homes campaign director, Mike Koprowski, sent a letter on behalf of the campaign to appropriators urging that a final Fiscal Year (FY)…
Boston University’s Initiative on Cities’ 2021 Menino Survey of Mayors asked mayors of U.S. cities about homelessness. More than one-third (38%) of mayors who responded said they had little or no…
The Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) at Harvard University released a new report, America’s Rental Housing 2022, on January 21. The report finds that the rental housing market rebounded in…
Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP), an NLIHC state partner, released a new report, “A Better Building Code: Recommendations for Increasing Housing Resilience and Racial Equity for Minnesota Renters…
NLIHC’s Virtual Housing Policy Forum 2022: Achieving Housing Justice – taking place March 22-23, 2022, from 12:30 to 5:30 pm ET on March 22 and from 1 to 5:30 pm ET on March 23 – will offer an…
Join NLIHC in celebrating our 2022 Housing Leadership Awards honorees the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Ann O’Hara, and Representative Ritchie Torres. These exceptional leaders will be recognized…
NLIHC seeks a development coordinator who will have prime responsibility for a portfolio of development/fundraising activities for the Coalition. The activities, along with those of a second…
NLIHC is gearing up to release its winter issue of Tenant Talk, a semi-annual newsletter created to engage residents in housing advocacy. Each edition highlights innovative approaches and…
NLIHC is pleased to welcome Steve Moore Sanchez as a development coordinator. Steve will help to ensure the Coalition secures the necessary resources to support its mission. He comes to NLIHC with an…