Opportunity Starts at Home (OSAH) campaign staff joined a congressional briefing hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center on July 25 to discuss how the “Family Stability and Opportunity Vouchers…
A paper published in the Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS) by the Federal Reserve Board, “Targeted Relief: Geography and Timing of Emergency Rental Assistance,” provides new information…
Atlanta’s City Council recently approved $2 million in funding to be distributed through its Eviction Diversion Program to enable the local nonprofit Striving Together, Advancing Residents &…
Join NLIHC’s “Tenant Talk Live,” a meeting geared toward tenant and resident leaders, today, August 5, at 6 pm ET (5 pm CT, 4 pm MT, and 3 pm PT). During today’s meeting, Kayla Laywell of NLIHC will…
NLIHC seeks a fund development director to work closely with the NLIHC vice president of external affairs to support NLIHC’s development and fundraising endeavors. The fund development director will…
NLIHC seeks a graphic communications coordinator to work closely with the NLIHC director of communications to support NLIHC’s externally facing efforts and products. The graphic communications…
NLIHC seeks a graphic communications manager to work closely with the NLIHC director of communications to ensure effective and efficient NLIHC graphic communications project management. The graphic…
“Growing number of Americans with jobs are homeless thanks to ‘fast-rising rents’, inflation: Report” Fox News, July 30, at: https://tinyurl.com/y7y4ht2u
“Working Americans struggle with homeless…
NLIHC welcomes Libby O’Neill as senior policy analyst! As the newest member of NLIHC’s policy team, Libby will draw on her background in state and federal housing finance and policy to focus on…
The U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations released, reviewed, and passed out of committee by a 28-1 vote a fiscal year (FY) 2025 spending bill that would provide $78.2 billion for HUD’s vital…