Unidos US, an Opportunity Starts at Home (OSAH) campaign Steering Committee member, hosted in June an installment of its Latino Vote Briefing Series that focused on affordable housing concerns among…
An article by NLIHC was published in a new issue of HUD’s Cityscape journal as part of a symposium celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of tenant-based rental assistance. The article, “The Role of…
NLIHC published an article, “Learning from a Crisis: Strategies to Increase Flexibility in Housing Choice Voucher Implementation,” in HUD’s latest Cityscape journal. The article utilizes historical…
The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University published a report, “Rental Deserts, Segregation, and Zoning,” examining the location and racial and economic characteristics of rental…
A paper in Housing Policy Debate, “Gender Marker Laws and Access to Emergency Rental Assistance for Transgender Renters in the United States During COVID-19,” evaluates the relationship between state…
Housing advocates in Rhode Island are celebrating several recent legislative wins, including significant investments in affordable housing funding and expanded tenant protections. Rhode Island…
Note: Rental deserts are census tracts where less than 20% of the housing stock is vacant for rent or renter-occupied. Mixed-tenure neighborhoods are tracts where between 20% and 80% of housing is…
NLIHC seeks a fund development director to work closely with the NLIHC vice president of external affairs to support NLIHC’s development and fundraising endeavors. The fund development director will…
NLIHC seeks a graphic communications coordinator to work closely with the NLIHC director of communications to support NLIHC’s externally facing efforts and products. The graphic communications…
NLIHC seeks a graphic communications manager to work closely with the NLIHC director of communications to ensure effective and efficient NLIHC graphic communications project management. The graphic…
The following are some of the news stories to which NLIHC contributed during the week of July 21:
‘It was humiliating.’ Evictions in these cities are worse than before Covid” CNN, July 24, at:…
Power in Planning: Your Roadmap to Successful National Voter Education Week Celebrations – Virtual, July 24 (Courtney Cooperman)
North Carolina Balance of State Continuum of Care (NC BoS CoC…