Join today’s (May 18) national call on coronavirus, housing and homelessness at 2:30-4:00 pm ET to discuss the House-passed “HEROES Act” and needed advocacy actions to ensure its housing and…
Join Ibram X. Kendi, National Book Award-winning author of How to Be an Antiracist and Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, and Diane Yentel, NLIHC president…
HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) posted the second round of CARES Act CDBG supplemental funding, CDBG-CV, on May 11. The methodology for distributing the $1 billion second…
HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) and Office of Multifamily Housing Programs (Multifamily) have each made resident-oriented flyers explaining the CARES Act eviction moratorium. PIH’s…
HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) posted Notice PIH 2020-09 on May 12. The notice describes the process for allocating unobligated Mainstream Voucher Program funding for incremental…
HUD’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing in the Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) posted a fact sheet, “Overview of CARES Act Moratorium on Evictions and Effect on the Housing Opportunities…
HUD’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing in the Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) issued Notice CPD-20-05 on May 8. The Notice provides instructions for implementing CARES Act provisions…
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) posted a blog on May 11, “Protections for Renters During the Coronavirus Pandemic.” This easy-to-read guide explains CARES Act eviction moratoriums and…
More than 1,000 organizers, advocates, reporters, and legislative staff attended the weekly “Coronavirus, Housing, and Homelessness” national call hosted by NLIHC and our Disaster Recovery Housing…
NLIHC maintains a COVID-19/Housing and Homelessness News and Resource page with policy recommendations, factsheets, frequently asked questions, research notes, and additional resources.
Advocates have sent nearly 1,300 letters to members of Congress through the Opportunity Starts at Home multi-sector affordable homes campaign over the past six weeks. The letters advocate inclusion…
The Senate confirmed Brian Montgomery as deputy secretary of HUD on May 11. In this role, Mr. Montgomery manages the day-to-day operations of HUD and assists the HUD secretary. He has been serving as…