House Passes Bill to Expand HUD-VASH Program

The House of Representatives passed on January 15 the “Veteran HOUSE Act of 2020” (H.R. 2398) by a vote of 362-31. The bill would allow chronically homeless veterans who have received “other…

Senator Warren Announces Bill to Preserve Public Housing

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) introduced on January 16 a bill, the “Public Housing Emergency Response Act,” that is a companion to a House version introduced by Representative Nydia Velazquez (D-NY…

House Subcommittee Discusses Ways to Improve HUD-VASH

The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity on January 14 held a hearing about “Making HUD-VASH Work for all Veteran Communities” on how to make the HUD-VA…

HUD Provides Lead-Safe Housing Rule Training Material

HUD has added training and resource webpages with information about federal lead regulations and the Lead Safe Housing Rule (LSHR) Amendment for pre-1978 housing on its website. The goal of these…

HUD Provides Online Version of Building HOME

HUD announced on January 13, a new online version of Building Home, a 12-module training program about the HOME Investment Partnerships Program. The Building HOME online training is an interactive…